Nice write-up, Huck! Looks like that ladder stand is going to work out just fine. Now start looking for trees with some fuggin backdrop for crying out loud! lol
Nice write-up, Huck! Looks like that ladder stand is going to work out just fine. Now start looking for trees with some fuggin backdrop for crying out loud! lol
I wasn't going to say squat. Milo pointed out a flaw in one of my setups as well in a picture I showed him. lol I can sell a stand, but don't expect any expertise in where to put them. In all fairness, the picture was a bit deceiving. I don't think I will be skylighted as bad as Milo said except from one angle. lmao
Nice write-up, Huck! Looks like that ladder stand is going to work out just fine. Now start looking for trees with some fuggin backdrop for crying out loud! lol
Great review. I can think of a couple places where that stand would be perfect for a couple of my properties. I hung a stand last week that's only about 12 feet, but uses the terrain to its advantage and has great cover. That 12 feet looks like about 20 on the downside once u climb up there.
Well, I sat in this stand for 4.5 hours tonight. Not awful on the backside, but somewhere in the equation between some pants that might be too tight, the harness straps, and the sling seat, my nuts were bunched up! :smiley_blackeye: