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How do you feel about roadkill deer?

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Senior Member
So on my way home from hunting tonight I turned onto a busier road, though still rural, and saw the truck in front of me blast a deer. They put on their four ways and stopped, I did the same in front of them. Checked and the lady and truck were fine. I ended up dragging it (button buck) off the road and waited with her til her husband and son showed up to decide they wanted to collect it.

I didn't really want it, it was tiny and was missing its ass....but damn those backstraps were RIGHT IN MY HANDS! I had my knife on my belt and everything....oh well....dang.

The things you think about standing on the side of the road with a lady you don't know and a dead deer:

"I wonder how I can make it look like I shot this?"

"Would a Muzzy tear a deer's ass off? Yea, yea I think it would"

"Where is a bag of fuggin cheetoes when you need them for a photo op!?!?!"

So since I didn't have a bag of our favorite crunchy cheese chips, I'll make a poll in TF's honor.



Senior Member
I woulda but she wanted the deer, there wasn't much good on it (slim shoulders and backstrappers), plus she hit it, its hers!


Senior Member
I figured that since I saw it got hit I could massage those backstraps off and grill 'em up :smiley_cheer:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I have taken hit deer before. Hell I was going to have a party one night. Someone I know hit a 120 inch buck. I gutted, skinned and injected him with marinade and threw him on the spit. We all had jerked and barbed deer sandwiches for the game.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
One of my former employees went to the academy and became a state trooper. He had worked for me from the time he could ride his bicycle to mulch jobs in his parent's neighborhood until the time he went to the academy. Good guy (for a state trooper hahaha). He called me up last Christmas Eve at 1045 while I was playing Santa and said "Philly. I got you a Christmas present. Big ol' fat doe not 3 miles down the road from you." We laughed our asses off while I was field dressing it in the blowing snow and cold last Christmas Eve. Nearly midnight by the time I was done playing Santa, bundled up, drove there and had her field dressed. He just laughed (he is single with no kids and no need to be home) and said "Spend all the time you want. I am on overtime." Merry Christmas to both of us. She was tasty!

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
I would of posed with it like the picture in your avatar !

"Excuse me miss, but could you take my picture with this deer."

"Sure sonny."

"You see it's for my friends on a website, They are into this sorta thing. Here let me get into position, oh this is a limp one. Here take the picture I can't hold it."

"Oh my god! you are a sick pervert here is your camera and keep the deer. You need to find jesus son!"

"NO NO NO don't go just take the picture I am ready.......damn the TOO guys will never believe this!"


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I would of posed with it like the picture in your avatar !

"Excuse me miss, but could you take my picture with this deer."

"Sure sonny."

"You see it's for my friends on a website, They are into this sorta thing. Here let me get into position, oh this is a limp one. Here take the picture I can't hold it."

"Oh my god! you are a sick pervert here is your camera and keep the deer. You need to find jesus son!"

"NO NO NO don't go just take the picture I am ready.......damn the TOO guys will never believe this!"

HAHA! Nothing like statutory necrophealia beastaility humor to start off the day!!! :smiley_carnaval:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Buncha sick fuggers.

Talk about bitter irony -
Last year I spent all day of the first day of gun season on stand and didn't see a thing.
On the way back to where I was staying I hit a doe - called the cops, they gave me a tag. Field dressed it right on the side of the road in the headlights of the OSP cruiser while he was writing it up, took it to my uncle and he butchered it. No damage to my Ford Ranger other than some broken plastic on the grill, which was already messed up from a previous accident before I bought the little beater. Gawd I love that truck.