With the logic you are using, we could take it one step further:
Hunting a pinch point is the same as driving deer. It is funneling deer toward you. Whether it is guys pushing or a natural terrain feature, you are taking part in manipulating their movements.
I don't buy this info I typed anymore than I believe a 100 acre cornfield is the same as a pile of corn.
FWIW- I don't care if a guy baits.
Not quite. One is free will, the other is a man induced flight instinct.
Here's a good one for you. Down in Vinton county a guy I knew had turkeys penned up behind his house. He also had chickens and Guinny hens. Guess what ridge had the best turkey hunting for miles around. The one that ran right behind his house. The toms were baited to that ridge by the sounds of his penned up turkeys. Now we know it's illegal to use live turkeys while turkey hunting in ohio. And "we" didn't. But in reality that's exactly what was happening. I'm not going to sit here and tell you we didn't use that to our advantage. I'm also not going to tell you those birds had nothing to do with it. I'm also not going to climb on my high horse and say those turkeys weren't baited because we didn't personally pen those domestic birds up. Or they weren't baited because those domestic birds were part of a natural farming practice. Those toms on that ridge didn't know the difference between penned up, free range, or wild. That's why they were there. They were baited plain and simple. The law says using a live bird while hunting is illegal. But in this case we were perfectly legal. Penned, free range, he put it there, I put it there, legal, illegal, none of that matters to the wild tom.. The fact of the matter is those toms don't know the difference, and by us using that to out advantage they were being baited.
If you use something to your advantage that attracted an animal, you're baiting, wether you put it there or not doesn't matter to the animal being attracted. Laws and definitions dictate the actions of man, not animals. And we shouldn't be so naive as to think a mans law is the law of nature. The animal decides the definition of baiting by it's act of being enticed. Not the ohio revised code, that simply dictates what form of baiting you can be fined for.