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Rut predictions

Do you believe Charlie Alsheimer's 2010 rut predictions

  • Nope, he's full of shitz and promoting snake oil to sell magazines.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dale, it starts in your area November 12th at 3:11 am.
Unfortunately for you, it's over at 6:37am the same morning.

The rest of the state will be participating in a 6 week Roman-style orgy fueled by acorns and Cmere deer.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Dale, it starts in your area November 12th at 3:11 am.
Unfortunately for you, it's over at 6:37am the same morning.

The rest of the state will be participating in a 6 week Roman-style orgy fueled by acorns and Cmere deer.
I'm in the same boat Dan NE Ohio is going to suck for deer hunting this year. I'm heading to southern Ohio screw this lol


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The rut goes from November first all the way through the end of January.

Did you guys know that around 38% of the fawns born the previous April are bred in late December or January? 38%! Considering Aprils fawns make up an estimated 40% of our deer population. That's almost the same as the November rut. Just Sayin.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I think Charlie has forgotten more than most will ever know in regards to the rut, but I find his scope awefully narrow. Most of his analysis is done on his enclosure and hunting grounds around his home in New York. It seems when he does step outside his core area for reference, it comes from highly managed lands. While I think alot of what he has to say hold some truth in the real world, I think it acts as a general guide to rut activity and timing as opposed to the rut bible. I've not seen a text book rut since 2003 around here. I spent too many hours in the woods and hunt quality habitat to have missed the rut for six seasons. I've seen some rutting behavior, but not the 10-14 of theorized ruts from folks like Alsheimer...


Tatonka guide.
Having the rut starting within a relatives small window every year like clock work does not sell magazines and book signings.....JUST SAYIN...


Senior Member
I've met Charlie twice and heard two different presentations from him and enjoyed him. His method is pretty cool, and very believable. That said, it's unnatural to pin something in nature to a week on a calender- Ma Nature does what she wants when she wants. But I voted that he is the man because he takes some awesome pictures (who cares if they are of deer inside fences!)

Considered I will be home during the week of Thanksgiving, I'd be okay with that time frame though :D


Junior Member
I think Charlie nails it about every year. Last year he predicted alot of activity end of October thru early November. From what I have seen the last few years he seems to be spot on as far as peek activity. You have to have alot of things to see the true rut. What I mean is weather, pressure and not to many does. Good weather, low pressure and good number of does for your land, you should see alot of action.

I do agree with 1023 about the 2003 rut. I recall 2007 pretty good in my area. I have seen deer chasing in december as well. I think it happens every year. I seen alot of fawns in september with spots. So that should tell us something right there.

Anyways once the weather turns cold and november gets here then be in the woods as much as you can. You hunt 1 week straight in November I think you should get one oppertunity at a shooter if your set up correctly.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I think Charlie nails it about every year. Last year he predicted alot of activity end of October thru early November. From what I have seen the last few years he seems to be spot on as far as peek activity. You have to have alot of things to see the true rut. What I mean is weather, pressure and not to many does. Good weather, low pressure and good number of does for your land, you should see alot of action.

The thing with that is, I could do that every year and no one buys anything I have to say! LOL!!! In all seriousness, he has a good approach to stuff and is far more knowledgable on the subject than I ever hope to be. But it ain't an exact science. We screw when we want to screw, and although deer do it when they do and how they do based on survival of the species than recreation, they still are going to screw when they want to screw. Yes, deer tend to be horniest around that period of time from October 25/26 to November 17/18 in our area 9 years out of 10. I can't tell you why or how the moon and the tides effect it all, I just know I'm hunting my ass off those three weeks. The movement will be what it will be. Schedule your vacation sometime during that period and let the chips fall where they may.

They are simply going to make whoopie when the gettin' is good. That's all there is to it...


*Supporting Member*
The thing with that is, I could do that every year and no one buys anything I have to say! LOL!!! In all seriousness, he has a good approach to stuff and is far more knowledgable on the subject than I ever hope to be. But it ain't an exact science. We screw when we want to screw, and although deer do it when they do and how they do based on survival of the species than recreation, they still are going to screw when they want to screw. Yes, deer tend to be horniest around that period of time from October 25/26 to November 17/18 in our area 9 years out of 10. I can't tell you why or how the moon and the tides effect it all, I just know I'm hunting my ass off those three weeks. The movement will be what it will be. Schedule your vacation sometime during that period and let the chips fall where they may.

They are simply going to make whoopie when the gettin' is good. That's all there is to it...

Jesse this is pretty much my thoughts as well. It's not like there's going to be a rut in July. It's basically the same time frame every year. Charlie does have a lot of knowledge but I don't need his predictions for something I've read and seen many times. The other thing is I'm sure most of you are like me and can't always pick when you want to hunt due to work. So it does me no good if a magazine article says I should be in the woods and my boss says different.

I'll be in the woods November 12th at 3:11 am to 6:37 am the same morning.