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Saddle Gear Modifications

I changed how I was packing my platform and sticks, during the late season and while wearing heavier clothes I didn't even notice the post base. I tried everything on for fit and instantly noticed getting gouged in the back with the post base. :rolleyes: Good ole pool noodle to the rescue and a cinch strap to hold it in place, until I'm on location. (y):) The rifle slings are from Walmart. :sneaky:
M 1.jpg

M 3.jpg

This photo is before making the pool noodle modification, but this basically how it all gets transported into the woods. :cool:
Saddle 3.jpg

Saddle 5.jpg


Active Member
I like your setup but I could never do it. I try (probably in vain, mostly) to not sweat on my hikes in, so I have to have a pack to stuff as many of my layers as possible into. I don't think I could go pack-less.

What I did change on my LW sticks for this year is something I wish I had done 10 years ago. Watching a THP video, I saw this tip and it was the classic light bulb moment. NiteIze gear ties (basically huge twist ties) to secure your sticks.

The strap on the LW sticks sucks, and it always has. The NiteIze ties (these are the 18", perfect for 3 sticks) are completely silent, easy, hold the sticks incredibly solid, and are hi-vis in case I sit one down in the woods. Why did I never think of this?


Tatonka guide.
I use a backpack … much easier .. holds all my shit and sticks and stand
I like your setup but I could never do it. I try (probably in vain, mostly) to not sweat on my hikes in, so I have to have a pack to stuff as many of my layers as possible into. I don't think I could go pack-less.

What I did change on my LW sticks for this year is something I wish I had done 10 years ago. Watching a THP video, I saw this tip and it was the classic light bulb moment. NiteIze gear ties (basically huge twist ties) to secure your sticks.
I don't have it in the photo, but I use a small gear bag, instead of a day pack. It's lighter weight, has a carry sling and I just throw it over one shoulder and it dangles off to one side. (y) I found that if I have a place to put more stuff, I carry more stuff and all the provisions looks like I'm going to be gone for 2 or 3 days. o_O This photo makes it look bigger than it is, but it's about the size of a large softside lunch pail.
Gear Bag.jpg

Also, you're gonna find out that those gear ties are going to break. :rolleyes:🚫 They're nice, but they won't last half way thru the season and you'll have to replace them. That's why I went with cinch straps. Cinch straps are quiet, tough and strong. :cool:
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Active Member
If they break I'll buy more. I bought a 4-pack, so I already have two sets. I'm more than willing to replace a disposable item if it's what does the job the best. Seeing and hearing how much better the ties are for securing my sticks (IMO), I'll never go back to straps again.


Junior Member
If they break I'll buy more. I bought a 4-pack, so I already have two sets. I'm more than willing to replace a disposable item if it's what does the job the best. Seeing and hearing how much better the ties are for securing my sticks (IMO), I'll never go back to straps again.
i use the gear ties two years on same set and no issues or anything resembling something that might break