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Savage 220 or H&R


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
i almost sold mine but kept it because if they ever come for them...I may not penetrate a vest but I will break every bone in their chest .. At 200 yards I can get quite a few hehe
Lol. Get some M855 before it's gone. It penetrates body armor :rolleyes:


*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
The savage 220 will cycle rounds flawlessly if you work the action fluidly, any stutter step in working it will show up in degraded ejection..... The accutrigger is nice as it's more of a rifle trigger than a shotgun trigger.....

Won't find much more of an accurate gun for the price and customer service is top notch as well.... If you get it just go with the 2 3/4 accutips by Remington.... Don't waste any money on any other round as this is the round that best shoots out of it..... Trust me on that as I've spent a bunch of trying that scenario out.....

I have a few boxes of federal trophy sabots. if they don't work I will try the remingtons. seem they work the best out of the 220 from what ive read. Why do you say 2 3/4? I'm more a 3" guy in a 20ga. I may use the gun myself. I like the 175 yards the 3" will shoot. I cant find any ballistics one the accutip.
My son has an 1972 Remington 870 20 gauge for rabbits and turkeys. works fine for him. I also have a 870 12 with field barrel. and a model 11 12ga. he can use. Just a little much for him yet with the 12 gauges. The 11 is awesome for turkeys. I have a 870 I use for deer. Just need 2 slug guns for when were both hunting. Not into the changing barrels thing.
Thanks for the replys guys.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have a few boxes of federal trophy sabots. if they don't work I will try the remingtons. seem they work the best out of the 220 from what ive read. Why do you say 2 3/4? I'm more a 3" guy in a 20ga. I may use the gun myself. I like the 175 yards the 3" will shoot. I cant find any ballistics one the accutip.
My son has an 1972 Remington 870 20 gauge for rabbits and turkeys. works fine for him. I also have a 870 12 with field barrel. and a model 11 12ga. he can use. Just a little much for him yet with the 12 gauges. The 11 is awesome for turkeys. I have a 870 I use for deer. Just need 2 slug guns for when were both hunting. Not into the changing barrels thing.
Thanks for the replys guys.
I can't speak for J but me personally, I found the accutips shoot better groups than the federal trophies from my gun. Also, I found that the 2.75" loads resulted in tighter groups than the 3" loads. And I have no doubt the 175 yard range is still just as attainable with the 2.75" slugs.


*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
were going to get together at my buddys and do some shooting when it warms up. We will be able to shoot 200 yards. Ill have to get some accutips and try them. I already have the federals so im gonna try them to. I want to achieve 175 yards without aiming high. I know this is possible with the 3" slugs as it worked last year with the federals. I will try the 2 3/4" also.

I was under the impression that the 2 3/4" slugs didn't fit in the 220, Just what I read somewhere. Any truth to this?
were going to get together at my buddys and do some shooting when it warms up. We will be able to shoot 200 yards. Ill have to get some accutips and try them. I already have the federals so im gonna try them to. I want to achieve 175 yards without aiming high. I know this is possible with the 3" slugs as it worked last year with the federals. I will try the 2 3/4" also.

I was under the impression that the 2 3/4" slugs didn't fit in the 220, Just what I read somewhere. Any truth to this?

Nope it will take both. I've tried some Hornady 250gr SST and they shot ok good enough but it really likes the 2.75 Rem accu tips.
100yds 12mph cross wind R to L with 2.75 Rem accutips. The three in center where after adjustments. When it warms up a little I'm going to see how it dose at 200yds ImageUploadedByTapatalk1425582222.128168.jpg


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I have the Leopold 2x7 and what you see above is the same I obtained @ 100 yards as well with the accutips.... Never took it past that distance either.... Most of my shots are under 75 yards.... So I can't speak for the 200 yard shots..... I've never really been a fan of the 3" any shotgun round my self.... Too many critters been downed by them too warrant me spending more money on shotgun shells/slugs.... Like I stated earlier and a few have backed me up accutips are the round too shoot out of this gun.... You can try the others if you have them on hand but if you don't then don't spend the money..... Put it toward the scope and rings lol....


Tatonka guide.
I could never get the federals to group bear as well as the remington. Heck I think there is only like 50 Fps difference in the 3 inch. Not worth the money. Wish I had my old targets. I'm sighted 1 inch high at one hundred and at 200 it's on the top of the back I believe (my nephew made the shot). Just a 3x9 bushnell scope on mine


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Keep your eye out for sales. I got my matte /blued 220 for $450.

Don't get in a hurry and wait it out checking out all the sales and when bdays/xmas roll around ask for gift cards.... that'll defray the cost as well.... I always ask for cabelas gift cards..... :smiley_coolpeace:

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I got a price of $610.00 + tax for the stainless camo model 220 from a local gun dealer. $510.00 for the mattle 220. Now I just have to save some coin.

Woodbury and Vances will have a run on them during the summer at cheaper prices than that. I believe 470 was the price last summer.


*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
You guys think its worth the extra to get the stainless model? I haven't found anywhere that stocks the stainless model.
I wanna get it by summer and have it ready to go before gun season. The youth season is late September here in Michigan if I can find a place to hunt. The blued camo at cabelas is $699 my son would love the camo. And I like the stainless.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Personally not worth it in my mind.... Save the coin and add that too the mount and scope.... Or half dozen boxes of accutips.....