Senior Member
I had one 1 1/2 old buck wind me this year and I'm thinking there were a combination of things I did & didn't do to cause it. I was in the Big Holla overlooking a trail that came down off the hill to the East, there for an all-day sit. The morning I hunted there was no wind and it was forecasted to be SSW for the rest of the day. As noon approached the wind picked up some and was blowing mostly out of the SW and I thought I would be OK to continue to hunt it. I had only pre-smoked my stuff the night before. I also was having trouble keeping from coughing so I had a pocket full of Ricola cough drops I was force feeding one after another. I spotted the buck walking N along that ridge top and I didn't cover my face up with my face mask, thinking I would be good. Well he stopped on a dime where I figured he should be hitting my wind. He started to get nervous and trotted up further onto the ridge top to the E and stopped a few times to look back and check the wind again. He never blew and he never really raised his tail but he sure didn't like what he smelled and turned to head back to the S further away. That night I went and got some Claritin D to clear my frickin nose up. The next several days after until I killed my buck I was able to stop with the cough drops and continued to do the pre-smoke as well as morning smoke and didn't have one deer react negatively after that.