Exactly. There's 10,000 plus acres at Honda and bucks get killed wandering on other properties every year. That's why I've always thought planting food plots is a waste of time and money...
I for one disagree on the thought of food plots. I've owned my farm since 1991. Only seen a few deer and never over 3 in a group and they were just passing through.
10 yrs ago the adjoining 110 ac. farm went from crops to a horse hay baling operation. I started seeing more deer and I believe it was due to the year around available hay feed.
In 2013 I put in a 3.0 ac foot plot of clover and forage oats. I started seeing more deer coming into to my plots. During the winter I would see up to 15 deer feeding at a time in the food plots.
In 2014 I started seeing more deer and during the spring, summer and fall plus the winter. In all honestly I didn't see that many bucks. But during the fall and start of the rut I seen many bucks chasing does though my plots.
In 2015 I started seeing nice bucks feeding in the plots year round. Plus during the pre-runt, rut and post rut I seen numerous bucks cruising through the plots looking for does.
When I see deer walk out of the brush on the neighbors adjoining property, walk nonstop through a hay field and and go straight to my food plots to feed convinces me the food plots are drawing deer to the property and are worth while plus worth the expense and time spent. I will continue with the food plots and expanding to the west side of my farm. In spring of 2015 I started putting in about 1/4 of clover on a good NS trail going through a over grown pasture with cedar trees. I put up a cam and seeing nice bucks come through. In 2016 I will finish the project with about 1.5 ac. plot and I'm convinced the deer traffic will only increase.
I look at this way. Put a plate of candy beside a plate of green beans and most kids will flock to the candy because it taste good and is different.
For 22 yrs I never seen over 3 deer in a group. Now I see 5-7 deer in a group after putting in food plots.