Yesterday, my brother and I went out some of the local reservoirs to check the ice.
Ferguson, Metzger, Lost Creek and Lima Lake were all 3" of clear ice. Schoonover Lake (City Park Pond) was about 4" of clear ice too. I'll check it again, on Sunday and hopefully get in some fishing...with a little more ice.
After not being on the ice for a while, it was a little unnerving to be able to look through the ice and see the bottom about 6 feet below. It felt a little I was floating there or something.
When I was checking the ice at Metzger, I walked out about 20' from the bank, onto the ice. You could see a tiny air bubble, here and there, that would let you see the thickness of the ice. As I chipped a hole with my spud bar, a crack suddenly appeared...and it shot straight behind me to the bank and over 200 yards across to the east bank. :smiley_baby: As I stood there and watched in shock of what's next...water started to seep up through the crack and soak the snow patches. I stepped off of the ice, back to the bank and decided that there needs to be thicker ice, A LOT THICKER, for me to fish the larger bodies of water. :smiley_chinrub: