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she is in trouble


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
this is the doe and fawns I saw from my stand last night. I think those fawns look old enough to fend for themselves, hell they are almost big enough to shoot!
I believe if that doe come in close enough she might be in trouble.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I had a similar circumstance earlier this week. Had a good doe come in, but couldn't justify shooting her because of her youngin. My general rule of thumb is if their ears are bigger than their head, I pass on the momma.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
dont get me wrong, there are a couple does in this area that have no fawns and I would rather take one of them, but if the opportunity presents itself I'll have to make a command decision.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I pretty much shoot whatever tickles my fancy with the exception being does that throw twin button bucks. It has been my experience with the cams, that does who throw twin button bucks tend to throw them annually. I've got my fifth set of pics of a doe that has thrown two button bucks since 2006 who is off limits. Fortunately, she is easily identifiable.

Dante, shoot that thing!!!