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shedding antlers????


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Those sheds IMO are last years. They have the dark areas as if those areas were under water(ditch or low area) where water can pond and the more exposed areas have some weathering and sun bleaching. That's a heck of a find nonetheless. Thanks for sharing Paul.

Just a note: the shed on the left was laying tips down and the other side was tips up. Just an observation.
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Paul brings up a good point. Why no chews? While I believe squirrels, chipmunks, mice and voles do most of the chewing some sheds are just not found by said critters. If they're dropped in an oak or hickory flat they'll be chewed up in no time, but in a swampy area or grown up field they stand a good chance of being found unscathed. IMO.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I agree with Ric. I have found a pair while looking for a deer with our tracking dog this season, and I also found a single on the bonus gun weekend this year. The single had similar markings to the shed on the right. Looked like it had seen some water or maybe the wet leaves stained it? I dunno, but I didn't think there was a chance of it being from this year. Plus, mine DID have chew marks on all three. Can't answer that one although sometimes we find them with and sometimes without chew marks. Who knows? Crazy squirrels. Nice find though Mountaineer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I TOO have found antlers both ways. Something I found crazy last year.....A particular buck had an abnormal rack ~~ One side was a real nice typical 5 and the other was like a large Y and had 6 points. (basicly a 3 point with 3 stickers) I found them together (nearly touching) in a grassy area next to a bedding area. The Y side was untouched and the typical side was completely gone except for about 4" of the base. About 30 yards away, I found 4 large sheds and none were chewed on. It appears they concentrated the chewing to one antler. Just found it sorta wierd/funny.


Just pulled cards from 6 cameras yesterday and all are still wearing their head gear. Athens county

Last year had the buck my son was hunting lose one side 2 days before MZ season, all others, that we knew of, carried theirs throughout the season.


central Ohio
I am not sure I am following all of this. Seems I hear about bucks dropping early from our southern contributors more often than the northern guys. Then again, some of those counties kill 10x the amount of deer we do, so therefore they probably have a larger amount of deer they are watching. More deer equals more abnormalities?

I will throw one more variable or suggestion out there: How about the stories you here of deer that drop on the same date every year? Can't tell me you guys never hear about that one. I hear of deer farms where this is very consistent year in year out. Within a day or so each year their deer drop. I understand these are controlled diets and environments, but I am wondering if wild deer aren't similar but say within a couple weeks instead of a couple days? Just a thought. I honestly have no idea, but I have read this more than once.

I would think it logical if there is an injury or poor nutrition then they would or could drop earlier. This would negate the "same day every year" theory. I know for a fact we had more mature bucks holding antlers on camera last year in late January and early February than young bucks. All the young bucks had dropped but one which held onto one side into May. Not sure what to figure into that one. Maybe the mature bucks were running the younger bucks and does off the food?

It would be totally logical that bucks fed and bred in a highly controlled environment will be highly predictable in their shed date! BUt I dont believe IMO that this could really be possible in the wild with the buck to doe ratio and feed being different every year


*Supporting Member*
I seen my first 1 sided one this morning . It was bedded in a large CRP feild . I had the dog with me but dident want to let it hunt the other side (shed) due to this place is loaded with coyotes.


Senior Member
Athens County
Most all my bucks are still carrying.(knock on wood).

Like everyone else has said it's such a situational thing that determines when that head gear falls off. Lots of variables. IMO