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Shutter Bugs

This hummer was hanging out with me during a bear hunt. Aug 2012

These next one are all from the McChord AFB Airshow. I would highly recommend the Wright-Patterson AFB Airshow in Dayton, Ohio. Admission is free to the public and its great for kids. July 2012

My cousin says I looked like GI Joe. Hike up to Camp Muir, MT Rainer Nat Park. July 2012

I snapped this picture of a eagle while fly fishing. July 2012
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*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
My dad was stationed at wright Patt growing up. I always went to the air shows. I got to see some seriously cool stuff back then. The stealth bomber doing a fly by, the SR71 black bird, etc.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Same eagle. July 2012

A three truck 75 ton Willamette Locomotive built 1929. Aug 2012

There is nothing like the sound of the GE turbo-fans on the A-10. Aug 2012

Watched those a-10a doing live fire exercises at a desert range in Utah. Awesome sight. We stayed on the mountain and watched them do night fire also. Talk about a sound that will instill fear in the enemy.


Well-Known Member
I took these at my Mom's right around Christmas. I could have shot this guys at least a dozen times during the season. I hope he's still around next year. I hope to find his sheds next time I'm home.