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Sick dog...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
You lost me on the bait pile thing. Does he wander off in the woods all the time or something?

Everyone's dogs around here run... I haven't been able to figure out which neighbor has a pile out, but it's close. Like right across the property line somewhere. I'm a little close to the subject right now to go door knocking. This usually just happens after gun season. He'll find deer legs and bring them home. It's narrowed down to 2 neighbors though...the rest of us take care of our deer the proper way of disposing.

Spare me the lecture about letting my dog run please. It's not how we do things around here.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Knee-grow dog shook me up today…it's gonna hurt when that day does come. I wasn't ready today though and I'm glad he wasn't either. We have more camp chair time to share.


Junior Member
dunn nc
It.s amazing how attached WE can become to our dogs. We lost a golden ret. due to finding chicken bones on the beach, VERY heart breaking,
Giles we feel your pain as they become a special companion.
Glad he's going to be alright.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
It.s amazing how attached WE can become to our dogs. We lost a golden ret. due to finding chicken bones on the beach, VERY heart breaking,
Giles we feel your pain as they become a special companion.
Glad he's going to be alright.

That was our fear. Blockage from something he got into.

Thanks everyone!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Animal hospitals scare me. I've never used one. My short-hair years ago came down with cancer & I refused to take him in after my vet diagnosed him. He didn't last a month. My sister's dog before that, took theirs to the Columbus hospital & after over 5 thousand dollars later, they took it home. The dog died an hr after arriving home. It's a crap shoot I know, but I try to look at the bigger picture. It'll hurt no matter.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I hear you, Kevin. He's the first dog I've ever really cared to care for…I know that sounds shallow, but it's true. This dude is something else…he's the perfect family dog and it didn't take him long to become family.