Was on a rescue mission once where we flew a grid pattern over the ocean of the coast of panama for four hours searching for a fishing troller that went missing, cargo ramp and door open, both paratroop doors open with straps zig zaged across the opening too lean against so we could get a better view.... The loadmasters did the strap part I looked out the port widows and that was good enough for me.... 200 feet off of the water and 200 knots air speed for 4 hours will wear you plum out lol.... I still wouldn't have jumped even if I had too :smiley_clap: There's one thing about the C-130 they always find the empenage (tail section) intact :smiley_clap: There's 6 parachutes on the 130's no matter how many passegers that are on board, you kinda get used to the idea of oh well if it's my time it's my time..... But I ain't pushing that envelope rotflmao