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Sleep? What do you need? What do you get?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Okay. I may be goofy. I admit it. Hell, I embrace it. Some of it is just me and I am okay with it. Some of it is my funky sleep schedule. Just got me thinking, am I alone? My job has me going day and night. We have lawn/landscaping during the days in the summer. We run parking lot sweepers at night year round. When it snows, I can and often do go days at a time with little to no sleep. I just went 48hrs with a 1.5hr nap the first day, and a half hour the second. Finally got to crash. Slept from 8pm one night til 4am the next morning and was back at it.

So, what are your sleep habits? Do you get regular sleep? Funky schedule? Does your body "require" a certain number of hours?

I will admit I don't sleep regularly, and most of the times not enough. However, I can also honestly say there are times when I just crash. Sometimes I will sleep 12hrs straight, get up to eat, and go back to bed for another 6-8hrs. This is generally following a snow event or if I work all day and then have to cover one of the sweeping routes at night. Just curious.

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Five hours is plenty. I TOO will work hours upon hours at honda plowing snow with the loader. Love them days...
during the spring summer and early fall im lucky if i get 3 hours sleep a night if any at all , winter i usually get 5 hours off and on through the night , im always going to a cat tournament , catching bait for a tournament , or working with the lake for a tournament or watching the lake at night , or just plain ol fishing so summer i am very sleep deprived


Senior Member
Ha! Depends on what's going on and what part of the semester we are in...

I typically go to bed between 2-3, though lately it's been closer to 3:30 or 4. It takes me about half an hour to get to sleep, mostly because I am a worrier and am jacked up on coffee and dip before bed. I am up at 8 or 830, so that gives me about 5 hours a night. If I'm lucky I like to be in the pattern of taking a nap from 5-6pm, it really does me good to sleep right before dinner and then it's my policy to go to bed at 2 or 3 on Friday night and not get up til 11 or so on Saturdays. Sunday I get up for church but will stretch a nap in the afternoon.

Good week, I'd say I get around 45 hours of sleep. Bad week, 25 or so. And my routine is hell when I go home and I'm used to being up until 2 or 3 and then try to go to bed at 12...or just plain go to bed at 2 and get up to hunt at 4 or 5...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I usually get around 5.5 hours. If it is less no problem usually. As a kid and young man I was plagued by migraines and lack of sleep was one trigger. Not so much of a problem anymore. I am fine with all nighters still! Bring on our first official TOO get TOOgether. Flutey better stay awake!



Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I usually get between 5-6 hours a night. If I am not up to go hunting I am up because my 9 month old is up early or my lab wants to go out.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Gotta say one reason I am up and at it everyday is because my one daughter is like clock work. At 6:30ish every morning she is yelling for someone to wipe her butt. It is really quite annoying. Dang kids....



Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I'm a sleeper. I need 8 hours at least or I am dragging. I can easily sleep 12-14 hours on the weekend when I don't hunt. I have a funky sleep scheduel because I tend to stay up all night on the weekends, get 5 hours of sleep, then do it all over again. When Monday rolls around, I'm dead and usually get 8-10 a night for the week. I've always had to sleep more than most to survive. Wish it wasn't that way, but I can't help my physiology...