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Small buck


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
I don't know the hunter. The picture was sent to me from a friend who knows the hunter. I guess he's on a video team or something. He shot it with Tall Tine Outfitters in Ohio.

I believe it scores over 200.



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
That small buck has it all. Great mass and some damn nice tine length as well. That one will be hard for him to top. Congrats to him on a helluva nice buck.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Definitely a hell of a deer...

200"+ buck = Awesome,
200"+ buck shot in conjunction with an outfitter = GAY


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
I don't know the guy at all, but seriously what's the big deal if he shot it with an outfitter.

The fact that he's on a pro-staff and hired an outfitter to set him up is actually kinda small in the success story. Sure he didn't do any work scouting, hang any stands, or plant any food plots but during the rut does all the really matter?

If you think about it that buck could have been anywhere, but just happened to run by this guys stand. I could see if the property was fenced or maybe the leased 1,000 square acres (that part might actually be true though), but if not that buck could have just as easily been running past one of your stands.