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Some wood turning and some non-wood turning


Active Member
I got the itch to make myself an oak call for this fall. The blank is white oak.

I've been wanting to mess with some acrylic blanks and finally made myself do it. The material is spendy and very different to work with. This call turned out nice and sounds great, but it's a lot more of a pain to work with (in my opinion) than wood.



Active Member
do you sand the acrylic the same as wood?

Well, I think you're supposed to sand it slightly different. They sell sanding pads that go to a really fine grit that are made for wet sanding acrylic. I have standard sand paper down to 3000 grit and sanding screens down to 800 grit. I use the screens on most of my pieces. I sanded with those screens and was pretty happy with the smoothness and look with 800 grit screens, so I stopped there. I bought some liquid plastic polish and sprayed that on the call when each piece was done, and buffed it with a cloth. I'm sure it's not textbook or the right way, but I was happy with the result.


Active Member
I grabbed a chunk of osage yesterday from the pile a coworker gifted me. I wanted to try setting it in the lathe sort of intentionally unbalanced, not centered up, to try to tease some more grain out of the piece.

It came a long ways in a short period of time.

The lower barrel had some splitting issues that I found quickly. I tried to fill the cracks as best I could with 3 coats of liquid CA (super glue). It seems to have held up ok so far, but I'm keeping an eye on it as I add finish. I think it adds a little character.