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Something died tonight


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
We've got blood.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
I won't hold out too long. Greyson killed one tonight. Same spot I got mine and same spot he's tagged a buck past 2 years. Only the 3rd time we've been out this year. We sat on the ground again, same spot we sat last year when we doubled up. This time we got set around 3:15 pm. It was dead. So dead he fell asleep on me. I loved it. Didn't need to see a deer to make it the best hunt of the year. So a little after 5 I hit the Primos can a few times. Maybe 5 minutes later we see a buck come from the thicket cruising through the timber about 75 yards out. As soon as we seen him heading away, I hit the can again along with a few grunts. I couldn't see him but could hear him coming. Luckily there was a huge oak tree between us. He went around it at 22 yards and I stopped him. He was quartering to a bit but Greyson hit him tight to the shoulder. He ran about 50 yards and I seen him slow down then lost sight of him. It got quiet and I never heard a crash. I thought he maybe hit him high. We waited a half hour then picked up the blood. Had really good blood but jumped him up at the 50 yard mark. He flopped around a was able to get up and run off 20 yards. We decided to back out. Went and talked to my buddy and decided to head out at 7:30 to retrieve him with the quad. And as we thought, he was stiff. Probably died before we originally exited the woods. Nice little basket 10 point. The kid really is a damn good shot. He never fails to shoot straight.