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Sons first buck


Active Member
In the woods
First off let me apologize for taking a hiatus and not posting much. This fall has been very busy around here with work, kids sports, firewood and I spent a lot
of time studying for a test for an additional certification at work…

So my son Max killed his first deer last year (doe) at age 6 and was dead set on getting a buck this year. Around the end of September we got two ground blinds up at my father In laws and started feeding corn for him there. My dad started feeding corn at his place up at the elevated shooting house around that time too. My nephew connected on a 120ish 8 point at dads a few weeks back. After I passed the test a couple weeks ago my sights were set on getting Max onto a deer. Both my in-laws and dads had deer he would shoot. Anything from a spike to 130’s deer on cam. I wasn’t gonna make him wait and just let him shoot whatever buck he wanted.
Fast forward to last Monday 10/25 I was checking the weather report and decided I needed to get out of work early Friday and get down to moms and get In the elevated tower. Wednesday morning I was at work and a cell pic came thru that confirmed my decision .
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Friday rolled around and I was constantly checking the hourly forecast and it appeared the rain was moving out around 530pm. Everything worked out and we were set up by 430. Deer started feeding thru pretty quickly after the rain moved out. One lone doe was feeding and my son was getting frustrated as I wouldn’t let him shoot her. Finally she thru her head up and looked down the atv trail. I peeked put the window and seen this buck headed right towards her. He grunted her off the pile and presented my son with a broadside 12 yard shot. After the shot he made two bounds and in my mind I was sure I heard him go down. We got down and found the bolt sticking in the ground and covered in blood. My dad and brother were waiting at the house on us so we went down and ate some pizza to give the deer some time. A 50 yard track ended with my sons first buck! I could not be more proud of him and how calm he remained throughout.

This deers body was huge and weighed 195lb field dressed as well …lotta meat in the freezer!View attachment 139234View attachment 139235View attachment 139236View attachment 139237
Amazing congrats
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Senior Member
Kingston, OH
Putting closure on this thread. Max got his buck back from the taxidermist last week and he was on cloud nine. He loves having a mount in his bedroom!


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