after 2" of snow, it finally quit. kinda breezy, but we took both dogs out anyway just to get out of the house. started hunting about 1 this afternoon. Rats on the move as the snow was winding down, apparently, as some of the fresh tracks had a dusting of snow in them, some did not. Slick hammered one pretty fast, and almost as fast as he settled on the tree, Lefty joined in the chorus.
I didn't see the squirrel as I approached, so I took some action photos and coached Slick up a bit, but while I was doing that Nancy kept looking, and found him. I quickly tied Slick so he could not leave the tree, gave him some praise and encouragement and went about moving the squirrel into position for Nancy, who delivered a perfect head shot. Slick making progress at light speed. These two are gonna strike fear in the hearts of squirrels near and far next year.
so on we go, both dogs found an empty tree, then I notice Slick is out of my sight but moving fast, then finally barking. Little sumbitch jumped a rabbit and proceeded to run it out about 500 yards. He got toned and lightly zapped a couple of times before I got fed up and let him have it. Full power shut him up and put an end to his trash chasing for the day. I did finally manage to call him back to me without trekking a quarter mile into the thick stuff to get him. good thing for him. after that non-sense was over, we hunted on and both dogs found some more empty trees before parting ways. Lefty took off on a cross country run 400 yards to a tree while Slick went 200 the opposite direction. since Lefty doesn't need any coaching, I sent Nancy after Lefty (after helping her get her bearings. she's a bit uneasy striking off on her own that far) and I went to Slick. As I approached him he ran off the tree to me and I ordered him back on. he got back on the tree, and I found the squirrel fast. he was on the tree hard, so I didn't dick around and shot the squirrel out to him immediately without tying him, which is very good for his confidence and understanding of what he is supposed to do. I haven't heard any shooting, so off we go toward Lefty nearly 600 yards away. Slick beat me there, of course, and joined the fracas, but when I finally got there Nancy was still playing hide and seek with the squirrel, which I promptly shot since I had the squirrel on my side of the tree. three in the game bag, and that was all we would see today. big day for Slick, getting two on his own (and going rabbit hunting, too.