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Squirrel Doggin' 24-25


Senior Member
Finally had a decent weather day today. The dogs were quite sloppy and undisciplined, but we got a limit in spite of it. Slick treed 6, Lefty treed two, but for some reason he just got walked off the tree on the first one. Had the easiest shot of the day on that one, too. No clue why he gave up on that one because Slick was not barking. I did not shoot that one. I missed the second one Slick treed 438 times. Well it seemed like I reloaded 44 times, lol. Never could get a reasonable shot at that one. This one was in a tree right on the edge of a huge rabbit field. Eventually, this one went skydiving into the brambles. The dogs chased this one nearly 300 yards to where one very obstinate and fortunate rat found a hole. Took us all day and three drops to get 6. Saw nine squirrels total. Two got away and the other trotted by me standing still looking at the gps with dogs barking 200 yards away. This squirrel literally hopped by me only 3 feet away from me to a tree 50 yards past me and casually climbed into a hole. I laughed out loud. Was a nice day for a long walk. I suffered a serious knife wound skinning one. Scalped the knuckle of my left index finger probably to the bone. It is still bleeding despite drastic measures to stop it. Knife slipped at about 1, and we only had 5 squirrels. I had to make a makeshift dressing from stuff in the dogs’ first aid kit. Fucking stupid of me to not have so much as a band-aid in the truck. But we got our limit. 😃


Slick 13
Lefty 6
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Finally had a decent weather day today. The dogs were quite sloppy and undisciplined, but we got a limit in spite of it. Slick treed 6, Lefty treed two, but for some reason he just got walked off the tree on the first one. Had the easiest shot of the day on that one, too. No clue why he gave up on that one because Slick was not barking. I did not shoot that one. I missed the second one Slick treed 438 times. Well it seemed like I reloaded 44 times, lol. Never could get a reasonable shot at that one. This one was in a tree right on the edge of a huge rabbit field. Eventually, this one went skydiving into the brambles. The dogs chased this one nearly 300 yards to where one very obstinate and fortunate rat found a hole. Took us all day and three drops to get 6. Saw nine squirrels total. Two got away and the other trotted by me standing still looking at the gps with dogs barking 200 yards away. This squirrel literally hopped by me only 3 feet away from me to a tree 50 yards past me and casually climbed into a hole. I laughed out loud. Was a nice day for a long walk. I suffered a serious knife wound skinning one. Scalped the knuckle of my left index finger probably to the bone. It is still bleeding despite drastic measures to stop it. Knife slipped at about 1, and we only had 5 squirrels. I had to make a makeshift dressing from stuff in the dogs’ first aid kit. Fucking stupid of me to not have so much as a band-aid in the truck. But we got our limit. 😃

View attachment 203095View attachment 203096
Will you look at that middle ones nutsack!!!! Just look at it!!!! It’s as big as @giles fist and half of his thumb! 😆


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Will you look at that middle ones nutsack!!!! Just look at it!!!! It’s as big as @giles fist and half of his thumb! 😆
Says the guy who shot one from the window and gave him 30min. Next time just call a dog or drone if it is a questionable shot. 🤣

Not a dig at our guys with dogs and drones. They are appreciated. Just making a joke.


Senior Member
Made some last minute plans on Wednesday for a squirrel hunt yesterday. I love it when a plan comes together. Lefty still recuperating from Tuesday, so Slick flew solo, and fly he did. We had some pretty steady action for a couple of hours in the morning, but it tapered off until later in the day. We saw a total of 11. Slick treed 9 of them, one tree being a double. We did not see second squirrel until the shooting started. I had tied Slick on this tree because he would not stay without help. Both squirrels ran down the tree to the ground, jumped over poor Slick stuck on a 4 foot lead and made a run for it. I set him free as fast as I could, and he went after them. He only went about 20 yards and was running around the base of a small tree shoving his nose in two different holes right at ground level. We thought the shot was a miss, but Slick proved otherwise. He did a fine job of extracting wounded squirrel from hollowed out tree. We would have never known it was there if Slick had not been so persistent in his pursuit. Was not a perfect day, but a fun adventure for sure. I learned that there actually is quicksand in Ohio, which I was briefly mired in up to my knees. As I struggled to free myself without going swimming, I was having flashbacks to the barn lot at the Gar Hole. Spent the rest of the day with the expensive pair of Gore-Tex boots on my feet full of water. :rolleyes: I'm not going to mention any names, but the shooting left a bit to be desired, lol. I was two for two, though. :D We wound up with five for the skillet.


Slick 22
Lefty 6


Senior Member
Another mediocre day of squirrel hunting. It has been pretty slow this entire season since we started. Weather is part of it, but squirrels have not been very active for any length of time any day we have hunted except for last Tuesday when I bagged a limit. Just Slick and me today. He treed 7 for me, 6 of them between 9:30 and 10:30. The first one he treed I just could not get a shot at. After 20 minutes of hide-and-seek I said fuck it and moved on. Got two singles about 600 yards apart, then he got on a double. When I approached I saw a tail in a crotch not very high up. As I moved to try and get a better look I noticed Slick was looking up in the opposite direction of the tail I could see. When I followed his line of sight up I saw what he was so excited about, lol. Wide open easy shot on that one. Blew his brains out. After I got Slick off of it I put back on the tree and started to get into position for a chance at the first one I saw. That one had had enough and timbered out to 2 trees, then to the ground where Slick chased him into a hole. I moved him on and he only went 75 yards and started barking on a big Walnut tree. As I made my way closer when I was about 40 yards from the tree I stopped to have a look with binoculars just as I was raising them to my face I saw a squirrel almost directly overhead freefalling, landing about 20 feet in front of me. Slick saw it, too, chased it 100 or so yards on the ground then into a hole. We went to another big woods for the second stop. Went to a half dozen dens before he found one. It would have been a miracle to knock this one out. Tree covered in a mess of small vines and in the middle of a bunch of thick bush honeysuckle. Played hide and seek for a few minutes before I took a shot, only to hit twigs and shit. Played more hide and seek for another 10 minutes before attempting another shot which sent squirrel timbering through 4 or 5 trees into a cluster of White pines. Slick stayed with him the whole way and I saw where it stopped, but I never saw that one again. We hunted on never seeing anything else in that woods, so I dumped him one more time and he could not find anything to bark about for more than a few seconds. Big effort by the dog today. Treed 7, killed 3, missed one. Might try again tomorrow.


Slick 29
Lefty 6


Senior Member
Very short hunt today. I turned them loose and Slick was out of sight and barking within two minutes. Thought he was treed about 200 yards out, but as soon as I started after them, they were running again and barking the whole way, which was another 400+ yards before they were treed again. I arrived at the tree that both dogs were still hot on to find the local squirrel Motel 6. I did not spend much time looking and was moving them on when I notice Slick limping and leaving an impressive blood trail. A hasty exam showed a very serious cut on his foot and he was leaking hard. We beat feet back to the truck as fast as I could go, Slick still trying to run off and go hunting, lol. Glad I had some BleedStop powder and QuikClot gauze with me now. Using both slowed the bleeding, but did not stop it. I took him straight to an emergency vet, which is where he is now, probably very stoned and getting his foot sewn back together as I type. Had to have been broken glass as the cut was very deep and clean, cleaving one of his pads. Still bleeding all over the place at the vet despite the dressing on his foot. Waiting to hear from the vet as to when we can pick him up. I'm probably done squirrel hunting for a week or two now. I'm worried about my little buddy, but he'll be fine. So, fuck all of you sorry mother fuckers who throw your beer bottles and other trash on the ground in wildlife areas.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
So many obstacles out there that these critters can come in contact with. Between that and the briars and thorns. Lots of blood letting goes on.
Slick will be down for count for a while with stitches I’d imagine. You think his season is done?


Senior Member
I suppose that depends on the severity of the wound, which will not be accurately determined until they sedate him. I'm sure it is possible that he is done for the season, which means I'm done for the season as Lefty not able to hunt effectively by himself. Just got the call that he is done and I'm going to pick him up. More later.


Senior Member
Slick home and doing ok. Pretty loopy but visited his food dish and was happy for some dried beef lung. Dog eating and drinking puts me at ease far more than anything the vet could say. On IR for two weeks until the sutures come out. After that is uncertain. Guess I'm back to deer hunting for a couple of weeks. If I get bored enough, I may even drag Lefty out by himself for old time's sake just to see if his broke down geriatric ass will try for me, lol.

For all the miles on these dogs, we have been pretty fortunate. Lefty only hurt badly enough to see a vet once for a giant splinter in his foot, Slicks's first time hurt enough to see a vet. My wallet is a bit lighter, but my Christmas is as merry as it can be in spite of it all. After all, "It's only a flesh wound." Slick enjoying the meds. :D
