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State of Ohio can kiss my...


Staff member
I love how our government can fail miserably at their jobs and yet they are able to place the burden of proof on the citizens. Two weeks ago I received a letter from the Department of Taxation stating that they did not receive my 2010 individual tax return. In addition to providing them with all the information I had already provided them when I was supposed to, I also had to make a special trip to the bank where I spent 30 minutes tracking down a copy of the cancelled check for proof that the state received their money last year.

It pisses me off that I had to pay them even more money to begin with, but it really chaps my ass that they forget that I paid them over $1K last year (in addition to what we paid throughout the year) and now it is my problem to prove it! I sent all the paperwork in today with a nice little Post-It note that should make someone's day!!! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER PEOPLE!!! :smiley_boos:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I love how our government can fail miserably at their jobs and yet they are able to place the burden of proof on the citizens. Two weeks ago I received a letter from the Department of Taxation stating that they did not receive my 2010 individual tax return. In addition to providing them with all the information I had already provided them when I was supposed to, I also had to make a special trip to the bank where I spent 30 minutes tracking down a copy of the cancelled check for proof that the state received their money last year.

It pisses me off that I had to pay them even more money to begin with, but it really chaps my ass that they forget that I paid them over $1K last year (in addition to what we paid throughout the year) and now it is my problem to prove it! I sent all the paperwork in today with a nice little Post-It note that should make someone's day!!! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER PEOPLE!!! :smiley_boos:

This is Exactly why I make 3 copies of everything any more.....1 for them and 2 for me!


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I got a letter the other day saying they didn't get my 2005 return??? I guess I have to dig it out and send it in. :smiley_confused_vra


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I went thru that last year Jesse.
I was gonna include a scorching note, but thought better of it. 'Cause if one of them govt workers got an attitude they could very easily shred it and fuck you up, out of spite. Thought it would just be better to not poke the dog.

But if we get a number count here, I'd write a letter to my state rep and the dept of taxation. Seems like it might be a widespread problem.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Complete fuggin BS is what I am going through now. Sent me a letter saying that they have not received 09 or 10. And that I owed them another $7.5k after I had already proved what I paid. Complete BS. Now they miraculously said it is now only 1300 with no math to back it up. No ond knows what the other is doing or it is intentional. This is after I showed them we paid in nearly 2k per year already and were we owed $200 per year and paid. Complete BS.

They want as much as I owed federal....when it was all said and done. Still fighting it today. Gets me so fired up. I showed up in person and they wouldn't even take me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I went through something similar to this as well last year... not with the State, but with a local tax central collection agency. I sent them everything... dotted all my i's and crossed all my t's... Only to have Abdul Rashim Nagirmushidad call me and tell me they didn't get it. So I faxed everything over to them, since I made copies of it all. Problem solved, right? Wrong. Two months later I get a letter in the mail saying my taxes were overdue! Motherfuckers.

I understand that mistakes happen, but it's just such a pain in the ass to deal with. You go about everything the right way, but when there's a mistake YOU have to be the one that's burdened by it. It just isn't fair.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Got one yesterday saying they never received a paper form of my last years return. E-Filed. I know damn well i sent it... Fuck wads.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH

Mine started before Kasich. Once they have your name I think they just keep trying. Fuggars... RITA is the biggest POS around.


Tatonka guide.

Mine started before Kasich. Once they have your name I think they just keep trying. Fuggars... RITA is the biggest POS around.
i was never more happy to leave the RITA district when i moved out of town....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hicks loves his tax man so much....I wonder when he's getting his letter.

You trying to provoke me Ben? Oh no you ditn't!

State, federal, locals. Monthly, quarterly, year end. Taxes never end bud. I think I got about 3 different letters last week. Income taxes? I don't think I got any for income taxes. I know I got one for locals. I have already fought locals for property taxes on our rental properties. Won that one. Just because there were two lots on the one rental property doesn't mean I should be paying taxes on the detached garage on BOTH of the property tax sheets! I don't mind paying property taxes on the garage. Just don't make me pay them twice asstards!@

I will have to go look up which ones I was sent last week now. I am thinking one of them was for paying in $192 on an estimated city quarterly tax and they felt I should have paid $198 or $202 or something. Because of this they felt I should pay a ridiculous penalty which far exceeded the $8 "estimated" quarterly tax. Fuggers.

Income taxes are one thing. Be thankful you don't have to deal with employee taxes. State and Federal unemployment. Matching FICA. Workers comp. Dude, it never ends Jesse.

I like paying in monthly sales tax totals as well. That is a favorite of mine. What happened to bi-annual?

How about CAT tax?'

Need I continue?

damn you Ben! Why you gotta get my blood pressure elevated like that? You dirty dog!


Senior Member
Why you gotta get my blood pressure elevated like that?

Because I know you love and care for your Country. We need to make the "wheels on bus go round and round". Say, I'm in the same tax catagory as you so I know the deal. Seems, I pay and pay, then they ask for more.