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Stay humble brothers


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I felt myself with a bit of anger lately and I've read some of the same feelings on here lately. We often get upset when "our" hunt gets interrupted by others doing things that are important to them. We are not the only ones out enjoying nature and that's a good thing.

Neighbors cutting grass, blowing leaves, having fires, kids being kids...all these are good things. So what if it interrupts a few moments of what we have going on. I've killed and seen deer while all this was going on, deer are used to it in most places.

As I was getting pissed last weekend out back with one of my boys it all became very real to me. 60 yards away the elderly couple were having a fire and enjoying their little piece of country life. Across the valley kids were outside playing away. All while I was doing what I enjoy with one of my kids.

I just wanted to share this and my new prospective on it. A smile is much more enjoyable then the built up anger. Stay humble my TOO brothers, life is alright.


Active Member
Supporting Member
Good reminder giles. We should all be thankful for the time that we have doing something we love and be happy for our neighbors that they are able to enjoy outside as much as they do and that they have enough self respect for thier property to take care of it.
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Dignitary Member
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Stark County
I've learned to not care if someone is cutting wood next door or doing other shit on their own property. But when the other guys that gun hunt the farm I do come barging in on a gator and proceed to set up blinds and ladder stands knowing that someone is bowhunting at that exact moment really chaps my ass.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I've learned to not care if someone is cutting wood next door or doing other shit on their own property. But when the other guys that gun hunt the farm I do come barging in on a gator and proceed to set up blinds and ladder stands knowing that someone is bowhunting at that exact moment really chaps my ass.

Do you think maybe it's chaps their ass that you have 4 months to hunt and they have a week? Maybe they don't have the time or money to bow hunt...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Lol, it was for sake of argument. All good brother, I figure there was more to the story.
They also have crossbows, so they have just as much time as I do. They just choose to come in at 4:30 in the evening 3 weeks before gun season and make racket.
Good Post. Often wondered how many deer are killed from the nuisance people bumping deer that end up traveling into a waiting hunter. Probably happens more than we think.

Bigslam. I do agree though that there are some people that should have some common courtesy especially other hunters.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Good Post. Often wondered how many deer are killed from the nuisance people bumping deer that end up traveling into a waiting hunter. Probably happens more than we think.

Bigslam. I do agree though that there are some people that should have some common courtesy especially other hunters.
I wouldn't do that to someone else


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Good post Dave. I have found my patience and tolerance growing shorter this year. This post has helped realize this in myself. So thank you for the reflection.

As far as things disturbing deer. I don't think things bother deer nearly as bad as we think. The one property I hunt has planes trains and automobiles, literally. I'm 1/4 mile from a airport and a busy set of train tracks. On the other side of the tracks, a game preserve that has shooting going on every weekend. This doesn't seem to bother the deer much at all. They have grown accustomed to all those noises and sound. I think it bothers our minds and psych way more than it bothers the deers.

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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Good post Dave. I have found my patience and tolerance growing shorter this year. This post has helped realize this in myself. So thank you for the reflection.

As far as things disturbing deer. I don't think things bother deer nearly as bad as we think. The one property I hunt has planes trains and automobiles, literally. I'm 1/4 mile from a airport and a busy set of train tracks. On the other side of the tracks, a game preserve that has shooting going on every weekend. This doesn't seem to bother the deer much at all. They have grown accustomed to all those noises and sound. I think it bothers our minds and psych way more than it bothers the deers.

I'm glad I could help brother. I find great comfort in being angry, butvenjoy being happy for people. A lot more satisfaction in that also.


Staff member
Just some random thoughts. Thanks for reading my ramble.

Which one of us has too much time?!? :smiley_chinrub:

I like this type of discussion. I just got off the phone with my boss who wanted specific questions and all I had were abstract thoughts, kinda like my frost and scent thoughts. Discussion around thoughts always results in learning, which is one of the primary objectives of this place. Furthermore, you provided perspective and right now, that's a huge word/concept to me. We all perceive things through our own set of lenses and occasionally we need to see things from an outside set of lenses. Our trip to Missouri gave me a new perspective on our farm and despite all the noise I endure out there, I'm more tolerant of it now because I focus on what's good about hunting the farm and not what's bad. Remembering why we do this is crucial to our long-term enjoyment of the pursuit.
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