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Steel Force Phatheads


Dignitary Member
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Does anyone have any experience with these heads? I just ordered a package of the 100 grain heads last night from Cabelas. I spoke with carpnjake about them... he's had really good luck with them... but I wanted to get some other opinions. Even without seeing them firsthand, they look like they'd be a pretty devastating broadhead. With 0.080" thick blades, I gotta believe they will perform just as good as the traditional bone-crushing heads like muzzy, g5, and slick tricks.



Tatonka guide.
they look mean.... should work out just fine..but they aren't really bone crushers...they are cut on contact


Dignitary Member
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Sunbury, OH
I used steel force broadheads for two years. They did the job. The ones with the serrated edge whistled a bit in flight.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
they look mean.... should work out just fine..but they aren't really bone crushers...they are cut on contact

Ok, maybe not necessarily "bone crushers"... but with a main blade twice as thick as most other heads out there, these things gotta be pretty damn strong. Can't wait to try them out.


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Got my phat heads in the mail on Saturday. Of course, I had to get them out and play with them. In the process of removing one from my arrow, I managed to cut the shit out of my thumb on one of the bleeder blades. I know it's cliche, but these heads are SCARY sharp right out of the package. You could literally shave your face with one of these heads.

I was able to get out and do some shooting with them yesterday. I only shot up to 30 yards, but they flew like darts from 20-30 yds and impacted right with my FPs. All in all I'm pretty happy with them so far. The true test will be when one gets sent through a deer this season. The only thing I'm not too crazy about is the little bit of noise they make through the air. They kind of "hiss" when you send one down range. With shots 25 yds or less I don't think it's going to matter, but I'm concerned that a deer will be more likely to duck one on a 30 or 40 yard shot. We'll see I guess.


Tatonka guide.

Got my phat heads in the mail on Saturday. Of course, I had to get them out and play with them. In the process of removing one from my arrow, I managed to cut the shit out of my thumb on one of the bleeder blades. I know it's cliche, but these heads are SCARY sharp right out of the package. You could literally shave your face with one of these heads.

I was able to get out and do some shooting with them yesterday. I only shot up to 30 yards, but they flew like darts from 20-30 yds and impacted right with my FPs. All in all I'm pretty happy with them so far. The true test will be when one gets sent through a deer this season. The only thing I'm not too crazy about is the little bit of noise they make through the air. They kind of "hiss" when you send one down range. With shots 25 yds or less I don't think it's going to matter, but I'm concerned that a deer will be more likely to duck one on a 30 or 40 yard shot. We'll see I guess.

you will be fine...that noise will not effect them...in fact the noise from your bow will make it to the deer faster than the hiss from the head. make sure you take some pics. get ya a bhead wrench too..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
you will be fine...that noise will not effect them...in fact the noise from your bow will make it to the deer faster than the hiss from the head. make sure you take some pics. get ya a bhead wrench too..

LOL... I always thought broadhead wrenches were for wimps... not anymore. :) The ol' "wrap the shirt around it and twist" routine is not a good idea. My gimpy thumb's been reminding me of that for a few days now.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
LOL... I always thought broadhead wrenches were for wimps... not anymore. :) The ol' "wrap the shirt around it and twist" routine is not a good idea. My gimpy thumb's been reminding me of that for a few days now.

Dishtowel or washcloth. ;)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Are the blades serrated? The ones I had that were serrated really whistled.


Nope... not serrated. These blades are smooth ass glass and sharp as hell. The noise is more of a "whish" than a whistle. I think they will work out just fine, though... there are a lot of good reviews out there for them.


Tatonka guide.
Jbrown, You got an update on how these heads performed for you this year? did ya kill any wif them?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jbrown, You got an update on how these heads performed for you this year? did ya kill any wif them?

I shot a nice doe back in November but that was it. Right around 20 yds, slightly quartering-away shot. The arrow went through the near side shoulder cartilage (paddle) and exited beneath the "armpit" on the opposite side. Clean pass through, and the arrow stuck in the ground about 6 inches or so. The head held up pretty well I'd say. No bent blades... just some nicks on the edges... and to tell you the truth, I think more damage was done by the ground than the deer. That was the only deer I took a shot at this year but I was very happy with the results. The entry and exit wounds were satisfactory and the blood trail was pretty good, too. The doe piled up a mere 30 yds after impact.

Here's the original thread... a couple pics near the bottom of the page.
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