Nailed 4 today out near Hebron. 1 female and 3 males. 3 within 100 yards of each other and another about 200 yards away. I haven't had anything set in a couple of weeks due to working weekends. I finally got a weekend off, so I set some at Marysville on Friday and Hebron on Saturday. I figured with colder weather and breeding season in full swing now would be a good time.
Needless to say I was quite surprised when I got to my first snare and had a dog. I checked 9 more and came up empty then walked down over the hill. I could see one of my sets as soon as I started down the woodline and knew I had another. you can actually see the set location in the 2nd picture. I had the snare directly behind the sewer manhole cover in the weeds next to the fencerow. I had several sets along the woodline as I headed toward this one and low and behold I had two more!
The female was the smallest dog and I had her hip caught. She was jumping and howling as I approached her. My guess is that she was either in heat or was howling last night which brought them in to her. I have also mentioned before, I put scent posts with Coyote Gland "Death" lure and coyote urine along the edges of the fields where I have my sets. I don't know for sure if it brings them in to the area, but I can assure you it certainly isn't making them shy away.