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Stressless's 2023-2024 season journal


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Mrs. recovered the daughter today at CMH, son DIL and grandson due in tomorrow, got both rednecks and a blind locked and loaded, four shooters and Mimi with grandson Theo in the cabin.

Should be fast and fun Monday to stack Does. Fitting beer this beautiful evening.


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Went on the last hunt and 9 deer were in the 2" plot within 100yds at the end of gun season. 3 x 2.5yo bucks and 5 fawns... no mature does. All of the fun none of the mess.

Total 2023.

1 2.5yo buck
1 BB
7 Doe

WIA 0 -> which is outstanding 👏 👌 😎 thanked my crew for their dedication to the sporting ethos.
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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
I've been ramping up with work for a bit and not keeping up on the years fall winter events in journal. Just saw the basket 8 Oliva killed isn't here in the Journal so adding that. Replayed here from the Live from the stand thread.

5 Nov
Been at it all week. Have my Niece in for the weekend to hunt. She's been helping this old man at the farm so she gets hunting privileges. New job kept her from getting Cliffs old bow and practice, so using the camp backup crossbow. Proud of her she passed up a med buck this AM at 20yds. She's hunted twice prior and taken one deer a basket 8. She wants to hold off for a mature buck or doe for the freezer.

Nice to get a new hunter engaged in the archery sport

A few hours later.

Got the text, she shot and felt it was good hit, thought it was a big doe.. bolt had good blood, no gut smear or oder.

Waited an hour and got on the track. Blood seemed less than I would expect from a solid hit, 150yds into the track blood was decent but not an increasing flow as the chest cavity fills. Thought about backing out but the bolt and blood to this point said it was dead - ahead. Oliva has GREAT eyes for blood, made a great team and taught her some blood trailing, marking, blood spatter direction and looking at wound level on trees etc...

Found where it started to stagger walking making leaves displaced etc.. found 'him' and was overjoyed at her success.

Field dressing confirmed a double lung with a NAPP Spitfire Maxx and the buck ran 250+ yards.

Misidentified as a big doe in failing light but no worries here as she had an either sex tag and made a great shot. Big body small racked 2.5 yo I think just from the body. She's 5'11"

Couldn't be happier for her and the farm on a one day hunt.

One notable note of this year's deer camp, first time having 4 generations there! Got mom down to meet her great grandchild for the first time.

Took the gaggle out for a safe walk on Thurs and as expected didn't bump the deer off the property as I think we sounded like a flock of hen turkeys...

Sure enough an hour later...
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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
The round up for our group. Neighbor Cliff smoked a nice 150" Mid Oct.

Chris got his buck at his new farm outside Athens. Just bought in Aug.

Life brother Chris got one at his other buddies farm in Carroll county early Nov.

Mooch let a couple small bucks pass in the 2 1/4 days he had to hunt, but smoked a nice doe for the table and to help me with try and balance the herd.

I shot a nice doe in late Oct, another Mon of Gun with my .44 still have my buck tag as "Willis" was walking ALL OVER my property and I just never got him in front of me. Saw him 3 times and once was within 17 yds but no shot. Everytime I'd get in stand he'd be walking close or on the other side of the farm but he was walking in daylight and I just couldn't get him in front of me clean enough for a good shot. Passed many smaller bucks saw one bigger than Willis but he was 100 yds away in bow season.

Wait for it....

Grunting like a mule in this one....

I have the fellas in around vets day and this year it happened on Sat so I had the fellas in on Veterans Day. Chris, Chris, Mooch and I are all Vets two AF, Army and Marine. Lots of ribbing and jokes - pork belly burnt ends, libations and comradery.


There's another thread, The Future of Hunting In Ohio. I've always adhered to the standard, Lead by Example, I brought my family and friends into the mix, maybe that lessened my 'selfish' opportunity to shoot a nice buck (for me) but much more importantly, I got two very new hunters into the mix and they were successful in the pursuit of the tradition of sportsmanship. The four woodsmen brothers I have in the pic above, we all can and still and do hunt with bows not crossguns just for the fun and challenge of it.
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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Went up to take over 'everything' for my aging mom right at and after new years. She's now a lady of leisure, no more bills, or worry about money, drugs, got Comfort Keepers 2x a week and a RN to visit a couple times a month to help her setup her drugs etc, took about 6 days but it needed done.

Stayed at the cabin and set a 7 set foothold trapline out and a dozen or body grip 110's for rats and mink. Felt good to wake and walk the line with the same .22 pistol and wicker trapping basket I used to wake walk ... jeeezzz 50 years ago. 😳

Interesting growing up our farm ponds were full of rats, the ponds on this farm have none or very few.

4 coon, 2 opossum. Had red and gray fox on then property l targeted but no joy, got three prime pelts to the tannery for the cabin.

During muzzleload season I went out with the bow, figured everything is in range of a bow from my stands. Still lots of deer, no bucks I wanted to shoot on cams so punched my last tag with a family group nanny.

She dropped in sight and her meat will be heading to WI with neighbor Cliff for brats and summer sausage.


2024 will be a another great year.
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Active Member
Salesville ohio
Went up to take over 'everything' for my aging mom right at and after new years. She's now a lady of leisure, no more bills, or worry about money, drugs, got Comfort Keepers 2x a week and a RN to visit a couple times a month to help her setup her drugs etc, took about 6 days but it needed done.

Stayed at the cabin and set a 7 set foothold trapline out and a dozen or body grip 110's for rats and mink. Felt good to wake and walk the line with the same .22 pistol and wicker trapping basket I used to wake walk ... jeeezzz 50 years ago. 😳

Interesting growing up our farm ponds were full of rats, the ponds on this farm have none or very few.

4 coon, 2 opossum. Had red and gray fox on then property l targeted but no joy, got three prime pelts to the tannery for the cabin.

During muzzleload season I went out with the bow, figured everything is in range of a bow from my stands. Still lots of deer, no bucks I wanted to shoot on cams so punched my last tag with a family group nanny.

She dropped in sight and her meat will be heading to WI with neighbor Cliff for brats and summer sausage.

View attachment 190650

2024 will be a another great year.
You coming to Florida to chase piggies?