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Strouds 2018 - Oct. 19-21

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
I decided to go home rather than my other camp, I couldn't believe how wore out from doing nothing ... other than fighting that damn smoke I was....lol. Two hrs later, I was shit'n & shower'n. It was really nice seeing familiar faces and new. Thanks for all the food everyone !

I sure hope not at the same time. Lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
It was a great weekend with even better people. Thanks for giving Robert such a warm welcome. We made it home, got the jeep unloaded and Ro ert got his doe skinned and ready to quarter. This was definitely a well needed getaway and was much needed for my soul.

Thanks again Dave for putting us up on your hunting property. Robert's freezer thanks you.

Dan, tha is again for the most epic breakfast sammichs!!!! You continue to amaze with this staple, it's just not Strouds without one.

Mike, it was finally great to shake your hand. It was also great to meet Nathan and Issac.

Joe, your FIL and his buddy seem like some straight up guys. I could say and talked gears, wrenching, and all that stuff for hours.

And as for everyone else, it was such a great blessing to see you all again. Can't wait till next year.