Yesterday evening I cutup some deadfall @theotherfarm and then drove the full truck load straight to deer-camp, (Strouds), last night.
Left the property and headed straight for Strouds. Check the mileage...
Arrived @camp. Check the mileage...
Enjoy that firewood fellas! I'll catch up with you all tomorrow afternoon
Ran into some emergency vehicles on SR50 on the way home. They closed the road as I approached, so I ended turning around and taking the nearest back road towards 'Tar Hallow' pretty much to make it home. Took me another 30 minutes longer taken those super rural country dirt back roads, then was able to make it back onto 50 again miles beyond the road closure.
I have know idea what happened. Whatever it was, it looked really bad. I would imagine the story behind it will be in the local news sometime tomorrow.
i left my brown/tan folding chair and a REALLY NICE camo cushion at Strouds.... it was near Kevin's stuff under that shelter (had put it there to keep it out of the rain) can @giles or someone else hold it for me to get from them?