Big shout out for all who made Stroud's possible this year... As usual I had a great time and enjoyed seeing everyone and meeting some new folks who I've met online but able too finally meet face to face....
Joe and Jesse my hats off too you both for what you've built here over the years and a big thanks for it....
Beener, JohnR, Ron and Jesse for r their cooking prowess. Always a great meal guys....
Danman, always a pleasure too sit around and talk with you, and thanks for the egg and bacon sandwich on arrival, definitely hit the spot....
Lots of great food, conversation and beer drinking around the campfire.... I hardly made it in the woods but wouldn't have missed a minute of conversation with a good group of guys....
For all who've been on the fence about coming too one, you won't regret it one bit... I've been looking forward too this weekend for a long time and it was everything I'd hoped for....
Big shout out too Gordo and Moundhill and BigWeff for keeping us stocked with firewood, it was great too see y'all as well.....