Yeah. Sadly my comedic ramblings have no filter after getting in to jesses mason jars, ricks sunny D, and the beers I had prior. I always feel like I should call and apologize to those in attendance regardless of how funny it was. The next day at woodburry I had to correct Travis after his correct usage of the word chink in a sentence and explain that it's racist and you can't call people that regardless of what your drunk uncle said telling stories around the fire. After this trip I wouldn't know where to begin as the topics were quite broad.
Brock, just tell mason I'm a foul mouthed drunk southerner and accept my apologies if you're questioned on why exactly two girls would share the same cup for such antics. Or why someone would want to hire a posse of hung midgets to run around the woods naked. It didn't dawn on me he was just right there in the tent.