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Tag Team Squirrel Hunting

My brother and I went squirrel hunting, this afternoon. We stalked through the woods, following each other about 25 yards apart. This method seems to keep their attention on one hunter or the other, while a shot can be taken.

This was our first hunt together in many years and our first hunt with these weapons. His rifle is a very old Marlin, that is an absolute tack driver. My pistol is a new Smith & Wesson 22A with a Tasco red dot, that has impressed me with its' accuracy.

Anyway, he shot the fox squirrel, we doubled up on the first black squirrel and I shot the middle black squirrel. It was a good day! :smiley_bril:




Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Congrats on the three tree rats.... I like the paint scheme on the Marlin.... Did he do it himself????
J said:
I like the paint scheme on the Marlin.... Did he do it himself????
I had the Marlin for a long time, but my brother didn't have any rifles and has asked to go hunting from time to time. Since the bluing and wood was in poor condition, I cleaned it up, shot it with some primer and started in with a camo paint job. I used some 12-pack pop cases for cutting out the patterns that I used to make the lines, etc. Later I installed a Barska 3x9, a sling, some sling studs and sighted it in with some Remington Golden Bullets. ...then I gave it to him. :smiley_blink:

Shane shot it for the first time, today. Here are his first 3 shots, at 40 yards. He was ready to hunt!

