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Tagged out!


*Supporting Member*
Lying in bed thursday night I was racking my brain on where to hunt friday morning. I have several spots to hunt near work and had made plans to burn a couple hrs of personal time to hunt before work. I planned on going to a area I could hear a decent amount of country I could hunt. Well, the day dawned clear and cold and full of promise. I parked and walked out to a knoll in a pasture field and listened...and listened...and listened...By 6:05 I knew I had a problem as I hadn't heard a single gobble....I hurried back to the vehicle and hurried down the rd a mile to another place and parked...I got out and waited a few minutes...nothing...By this point it ain't looking good. I jump in the car and drive like speed racer a few miles to another property. I pull up the landowners driveway and pull into a pulloff 2/3 of the way up the hill. I am in the process of opening the car door and a bird gobbles less than 200 yds away!. He keeps gobbling as I grab my stuff. There was a small mowed field a few hundred yds above the bird and I figured he would head that way so I jogged up the driveway to circle above the bird listening to him gobble the whole way. He is close enough to the field tho I am a little worried he might be able to actually see me. When I make it to the corner of the field he has quit gobbling so I figure he either saw me or flew down. I grab a tree along the field and sick a decoy out just in case he is heading that way, I am waiting to hear him gobble on his own. After a few minutes he starts gobbling again down over the hill below the field. I get up and move to get a better setup on him. Luckily he keeps gobbling so I can keep tabs on him. I get to the corner of the field closest to him. There is a mowed path leading into the woods and the bird of down in a ravive below me gobbling good within 100 yds. Ya almost couldnt ask for a better setup. I stick a hen decoy where the bird could see it if he popss out in the rd and I back up the hill and tuck into a briar patch. I call once, nothing...I call again...GOBBBBBBLLLLE...I start cutting at him....GOBBBBBBLLLLEEE...GOBBBLLLEEEE. In less than a minute I hear Pfffft........Pffffft....just behind a patch of briars that screen my view of the mowed path. I get down on the gun and take off the safety...I see him coming and he enters the field 15 yds from me. As soon as he clears the brush he sticks his head up and I level him....A quick look at me phone shows 6:29...I know my dad is on his way to work and I call him while standing over the bird....He answers the phone by saying " Damn, that was quick"...lol


*Supporting Member*
Well, got lucky again. 2 days in ky and tagged out with 2 birds here. Been incredibly lucky yr for me. One was a small bird but the other had hooks fer spurs and a 12" beard.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well, got lucky again. 2 days in ky and tagged out with 2 birds here. Been incredibly lucky yr for me. One was a small bird but the other had hooks fer spurs and a 12" beard.

Uhhh... for some reason I can't find the 'puke' smiley. lmao Good work, brotha!


*Supporting Member*
Haha. Kept riding the luck train this morning. My buddy that came with me shot a good bird at 900. We chased that bird yesterday after I killed mine and always seemed to be behind him. Got one him again this morning at 8 and using yesterdays experience we got ahead of him. He came completely silent following a hen and he killed him at 20 yds.