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team 1


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I just went to get my climber out and realized I hadn't smoked it or my crossbow! I guess tonight I'll be having a fire and some beers. I also just order a real smoker so it should be here mid week and this won't be such a big deal. I'm glad I realized it and didn't educate the deer this early.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
Good luck too everyone getting out this weekend if the rain holds off I'm going to a spot I moved last night if its raining and I feel like going I'll be in a blind.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Have fun, I've been working 12s and will be this weekend also. Looks like I can only work 13 days in row before having one off. I might have to break my own rules of not morning hunting early season...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I went past the place I like to hunt this afternoon, the corn is still standing... I was thinking about a morning hunt this week, but it's still early in the year for all that. I guess the good side of this is that I'm saving up kitchen passes.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
i thought i had a real good chance on the drop tine buck i posted pics of, i moved deeper in the woods a week ago went out Saturday night pulled the card when i got in the stand and started looking thru the pics and i had 380 pictues on the cam 350 of them were him, so im on him just need him to come in when im in the tree


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
That's exciting! I can't wait much longer...I'm going to have to get out this week. Can't take the waiting anymore. Had deer tacos last night and only have one bag of burger left. Them doe and buttons are in some trouble...this guy needs some meat!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Good luck! I've been blanked 4 straight hunts at three different properties.:smiley_depressive:


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
I am going to kill something soon. I have a new spot that looks awesome and I've been going stir crazy thinking about going in there I just want to wait for the right conditions. This Saturday is showing a low of 30 degrees on my phone. Something is gonna die this weekend. Wife made a couple big batches of chili for church recently and the freezer needs some deer meat.
Well since the winds/weather is somewhat back to normal I've had 3 sits for a couple target bucks and been blanked! I'm getting the itch to kill bad!!! I plan to stay up home in Trumbull county this week and weekend to get a doe down. Good luck fellas!!


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Good luck to you, too. Sitting here thinking about going out tonight. It's a little windy but they're cutting some corn down a half mile away or so and I'm wondering if there might be some get pushed over here.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Well fella's, I went into work today and told them I wasn't going to work this coming weekend. My folks are going to be coming down and I was going to be hitting the woods with my old man all weekend. I'm PUMPED!!! I wouldn't normally smack a doe around this time…but I'm not sure I'll be able to let anything walk.