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Team 11

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mason is chomping at the bit to get back out. I don't know where I'm going to take him but I don't really want to shoot any more off our Ross Co. property. I have a buddy down in the southern part of Highland Co that has as good a turkey property as I've ever been on, may have to make the drive. It's only 30 minutes or so, and well worth it.

If I take him out this weekend, it won't be until Sunday as he has a dodge ball tournament at his school. They are the defending champs and are hoping to repeat. :) Good luck to you all and the youngsters! I firmly believe God made turkeys for old men and kids to hunt. This team seems to be proving that theory correct.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Had Addy out yesterday and had some action but nothing really too close.

Took Andrew out today and as we were setting up before daylight one let loose 50-60 yds away. As it became light we gave a soft tree yelp. There were 2 together. Finally they flew down just below us and immediately we could hear them drumming. They popped up at 23 yds in front of us and I think Andrew got caught moving his gun ever so slightly. They never putted, they just flew over to the next ridge before he could pull the trigger. We chased another but he pretty much quit gobbling before we climbed to the top of the hill.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang, a close call for the turkey! Keep after 'em, it will come together eventually! Depending on the weather and if I can find another bird to hunt, I may let Mason ditch school one day this week to chase 'em. We are not going unless I stumble onto a suicidal bird, and I over slept this morning.:tantrum:

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
While out in the yard working this afternoon I heard what I assume were the birds from this am gobbling at 1:30. Then around 8:00 tonight I heard a gobble where they were this am. I snuck back in there and they are roosted right where they were today. I may take Drew out before school to see if he can get some revenge......

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Frustrated, bummed is an understatement! We got in there and set up before light! He gobbled and we both jumped, lol. He was at 44 yds and as it started to get light we could see him on the limb. We watched him for 20-25 min strutting and gobbling. There were 2 more also and 4 hens. Finally 2 hens flew down right behind us and immediately all three long beards flew down too. One of the long beards got to ten yds and before Drew could shoot he started putting and ran off. After 20 min or so they started gobbling again but wouldn't come in. Everything was perfect but I don't know what happened again. I even had a stake blind all the way around us and we never moved.

I start day shift tomorrow and were done until maybe one day this weekend. It is very difficult to get a young kid a shot and my hats off to anybody that does. Last yr we were able to use a blind and I may have to take one up there.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
A pop up tent is the way to go. It's screws up mobility but if you got birds pinned down they're perfect.

x2! We used to use them all the time. Not so much anymore, but Mason is getting a little older and more experienced. Also, I always set up in thick stuff, or at least over a hill where the turkey will have to be in range before he can see our location. That is easier to do with a gauge than it would be a .410 of course. Your kids getting a crack at 'em with a very limited range is a real challenge. The one Mason killed last year was about yds, and the one he shot the other day was a shade over 30, I know you are getting your kids closer than that. You've done well with very limited range, my hat is off to you and your kids!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Having said that, if you know someone with an auto loading 20, borrow it! :) Mason got a pretty nasty bruise from his pump gun the other day, it kicks a lot harder than my 1100 12 ga with turk loads. I think he is going to use it when we go back out. He's a big kid for 10, and it won't knock his teeth loose when he shoots.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
I definitely agree about a ground blind. My daughter is 6 and about has to use one because she sometimes has a hard time sitting still and she is using a .410 with hevi-shot that Andrew used to take his 1st last yr at less than 10yds, out of a blind. Andrew is using a 20 ga pump that we feel he can reach 30yds+ using hevi-shot. We are sitting up with him right in front of me so I know he is not moving. We are trying to get away from the blind this yr to be more mobile. This is his 3rd yr turk hunting so he knows what's going on but something is not working, lol. I've thought about it all day and maybe the problem is the decoy and the next outing I'm not using one....

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
I've never been a big fan of decoys down here in hill country. I use them with the kids to try and direct their attention away from us. They definitely work but something is spooking the turk so Thurs am I'm gonna go in late to work and Andrew is gonna get another crack at them without a deke.....

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Well no hunting in the am. I forgot that Drew has OAA testing at school and there is no way I can get him up early to hunt before school. Plan is to go Fri before school.....

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
We never heard a single gobble today, anywhere. There was one hen roosted 60 yds or so from us. We watched her fly down and yelp some and that was it.

Gonna take Addy Sunday and not sure when we will get out again. I'm back on 2nd shift next week so we can go a lot more if they are talking!