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Team 12 - The Bush Beaters


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Good stuff! Hopefully bearded Chad scores this weekend, he's coming up to hunt my honey hole with me, there's 4 bucks that I know of running around that are nice.

Big Weff

Junior Member
Fugd up boys. Could have ended it on a 140ish deer at 35 yards and got greedy. Had him at 35 and thought he was coming in to check a scrape so I held off. He didn't check the scrape... Feel like I just got kicked in the stomach. Fugg me.


Big Weff

Junior Member
Big nips, are you going to harvest a buck deer?
I'm working on it man. Had a lot of 115-120 8 points in range but other than that nothing to speak of but that one shooter I had at 35 and got greedy thinking he was coming closer and just turned straight away