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Team 12 up and running


Senior Member
Scott at camp filled his doe tag this past weekend.

Meanwhile I had them all line up but simply watched them for an hour.


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Dignitary Member
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Wanted to hunt this weekend. Not in the cards. Winds aren't right. I'd rather stay out than hunt the wrong wind. Monday night could be my night. 20 degree temp drop. Should be the right wind. If I'm going in. . . .I'm going in for a kill.


Dignitary Member
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Did our name end up being "Up and Running"? lmao

Glad Ben has us on the board. Hoping I can contribute soon. I have a feeling Kevin will be contributing with a nice buck this year as well. In reading his post, I remembered he picked up that new property. I have high hopes for him.


Dignitary Member
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Two hunts in the book. Not feeling real motivated to get out. Not seeing a ton of rubs or scrapes as I swap cards or on the 2 hunts I have done. Think I'll be pulling cameras on another property today in the rain. Likely hang a camera on a third property I haven't stepped foot on. We are close. Things are heating up gradually as they always do. By the end of the week I am going to be spending more evenings either hunting or scouting from the road. I need to crank up my game. I think checking cards more frequently and spending some all day hunts when the cards tell me it is time is my answer.

Corn and beans are coming down fast around me as well. This changes things. I can road scout better. Patterns get shifted. I also learned something last night.


Junior Member
I've been out a few times with nothing to show for it. I've gotten a few pics of good bucks in the evening over the last week or so. This is my first year using cell cams and I kick myself every time I get pics of one near my stand. I'll be out all weekend unless it's pouring rain.


Dignitary Member
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Just getting home from camp today & playing cleanup & catch up. Got my 45/70 sighted in while there. I'm gonna go pull most of the cams & add corn TOOmorrow & now I'll be up & running until the middle of November with no work, no nothing getting in my way. Good luck guys !


Dignitary Member
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I went out & did what I said I was going to do & after reviewing the cams, I'm more excited than a queer in Boy's Town. I've got a really nice active scrape line that's popped up in the last few weeks. Kisser even showed up after a long absence. I've got a few new guys coming thru, so if weather cooperates tomorrow, I'll be out.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Looks great! Good luck Kevin. Soccer tournament is killing my weekend. "Might" get a morning hunt in. Not going out in the rain. I don't mind getting caught in a drizzle. Tough to get motivated if it is raining and I am slinging broad heads. Too many variables. I don't want to lose one in the rain.


Dignitary Member
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Hahaha. Here's Kisser going pass one of my ladder stands this morning. I missed this pic earlier when reviewing. I'm not thrilled with the Lift 2's night photos. I'm fearful the rain will be a hinderence in the am.


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Dignitary Member
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I went out this evening when it appeared the Buckeyes were going to fugg things up from the get go. I had already smoked up my gear beforehand, so it was just a matter of using my climber , or going in on the ground with my xbow. I chose the xbow & off I went. When I arrived, a bunch of deer were at one of my feeders & that's the direction I wanted to go. After they left, a few more came in to the feeder as I was walking towards it & they too left. Where I wanted to get to , I've only been thru with my atv. I've never walked back that logging road otherwise. There are nuts & shells everywhere on the property & each step is a crunch. I overshot where I was planning on sitting & ended up between to closely settled trees with a downed tree top behind as a backdrop. The logging road is lined with scrapes & I'm getting great activity. A small up & comer 8 came thru & busted me at broadside. After he moved on, I moved too, sitting at the base of an enormous old stump with a log next to it. I'll be back there in the am.


Junior Member
Had what I believe is a nice 2 year old chase a couple does past me last night At 30 yards. I didn't make any attempt to stop him as I'm looking for something a little bigger. He's the bigger buck in the pic


Dignitary Member
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Yawn. Our team thread is slow. Lol

Wish I had something to offer. Outside of the 2yr old buck I passed today, my best shot opportunities have been 90lb button bucks or equivalent sized doe fawns. Standing corn within 1/2 - 1mile from my properties has hurt. My properties which were beans but are now plowed dirt has hurt me this year too.


Dignitary Member
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Licking Co. Ohio
Sorry fellas. Been in the woods 19 times in 2 weeks with only one shooter seen. I'm about ready to try some XXX and skunk piss mixed together on my boots and clothes....rotflmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I cannot contribute. I was so jacked up about this property all summer. My cams have been showing a big buck behind most of the trees, I just did see the biggest buck of my life & yet, nothing is happening. Even the long walk out of the woods at night produces no running deer anywhere for the most part. I going to finally stay in bed tomorrow & perhaps give it an evening try. I still have high hopes, but I need to give things a break.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sorry fellas. Been in the woods 19 times in 2 weeks with only one shooter seen. I'm about ready to try some XXX and skunk piss mixed together on my boots and clothes....rotflmao

Let's go in and do a group buy. Might give us a discount. I'm ready to try something different. lmao


Junior Member
Well, I'm there with the rest of you guys. Had a stellar night on Friday with a hot doe in the area and sightings of two good bucks, but before that and after that, it's been dead. Rut is always hit or miss but it seems like mostly miss for me this year. Im not even seeing little bucks cruising. I figured these cool temps would have them moving big time but no such luck. The 13th is when I've had the best action the last two years so I will probably do an all dayer tomorrow.