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Teej's Western Expedition


Senior Member
Sorry for the crappy pictures but almost halfway thru South Dakota. Just crossed the Missouri River and man how the terrain changed, it's gorgeous.



Junior Member
Good luck guys, be safe. A western elk hunt is on my bucket list. I've been workin out the local Y for 3 months to start gettin in shape for that day.


Senior Member
Hunted the last 4hrs today, found a herd of 20+ with some decent bucks in it but they were on the other side of the fence, that divides public and private... Glassed a bunch of coyotes and prairie dogs are EVERYWHERE.


Senior Member
Day 2: it got really fun today, I'll touch base later today. I'm exhausted and pulling cactus outta my elbows and knees at the moment.


Senior Member
Well..... It was an awesome day. No wind, high 30s when we woke up to mid 70s after lunch. Anywho everyone said don't worry about getting up at the ass crack of dawn because they don't start moving till an hour after daylight.

Well we still got up way early lol we randomly picked an area cuz on google earth we found it had water. We're standing out there by the truck and we decided hey lets hike in over this roll and check out the water. It was maybe 5min after 6 and sunrise at 6:30. We get over this roll and I look up and swear I see white dots. I pull up the binos and 4 does and a buck, on public(which we found out was the hard part) maybe 1000yds right where the water was. There was nothing between us and them so we Had to back out over the roll to get to a draw, and stay on public because we were right beside it. The "water" they were in was drained and our plan was to hike this drainage west until we got to the bottom of this next roll, hike up the bottom that would lead us to the breast and poke over the breast and it'd be a 150-200yd shot. Sounded great on paper lol we got 100yds down the drainage, we'd poke up to make sure they were still there and then hike more. Working like a charm. We thought we were busted cuz the one doe was looking right in our direction, still well over 600yds out so we froze. My dad looked over his left shoulder and... 4 does, looking right at us and booked it towards the group we were stalking. This got our group unsettled and they began their way out of the water up the roll behind them, when I saw roll it's maybe a half mile from bottom to top and maybe 300ft vertical. Once they dropped in a drainage, we ran, down into where they fed up the hill hoping to see them and there was another hill blocking our view. We crouched then belly crawled up to this knoll. Poked over and there they were, the buck in the back. I got a range, 285, just as my dad settled they dropped into another drainage, we booked it again to the next knoll. He went around the left, I belly crawled to the top, there they were. I ranged em, said 210 to my dad. Jair barely got the binos to my face and BOOM, I saw the buck hunch, does ran everywhere and the buck came back at us. He was gut hit, he stopped I said hit em again, 240 dad 240. He shoots, nothing. He comes closer I yell 220, hit Em again and BOOM drops him. Our first ever DIY kill in the books. Man that was fun! We were so far from the truck after all this, almost 2 miles we ended up quartering him and packing him out

We started around 6am and first shot was fired at 7:30, I was exhausted and huffing and puffing lol proud of my dad at 65 for keeping up, that was a tough ass stalk. I was more nervous trying to get ranges and not spook Em and ruin his hunt.

In the beginning he told me to chamber a round and told him this one is his. And he commies without trying to argue lol
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