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Teenbowhunter's trail cam pics 2015-2016


Junior Member
Delaware County
I'm going for the first big game kill with the bow! All I have so far is the coyote this past season. There's no gun in September anyway in NM. I made a natural ground blind on the edge of both the ponds for me and my dad and we'll probably attempt some spot and stalk. Just got my bow restrung and tuned and a new sight so I'm ready to go


I'm going for the first big game kill with the bow! All I have so far is the coyote this past season. There's no gun in September anyway in NM. I made a natural ground blind on the edge of both the ponds for me and my dad and we'll probably attempt some spot and stalk. Just got my bow restrung and tuned and a new sight so I'm ready to go
Very nice! What's your hunting set up?


Junior Member
Delaware County
Some more great photos. I'm assuming the fence opening in the background creates a funnel to get those shots. Can't wait to see you post your first big game bow kill.

Thanks! A wide grassy draw funnels up to the right of the cam and just to the left of the cam is an open gate. There isn't an actual opening in the fence out in front but it has a barbwire gate that sags quite a bit so they use it as a crossing. It's kind of a three way funnel around the corral and I just put a cam on the fence crossing on the other side of the corral.


I have a pse xforce drive and the new sight is a Montana black gold ascent, a three pin slider
Very nice just bought a Black Gold Target base with a HHA .019 single pin and love it. What broadhead and arrows you gonna use?
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Junior Member
Delaware County
Been stalling posting pics because photobucket pisses me off sometimes... Anyways, here's some of the best over the last month or two. The fence crossing pic is my favorite.

Women... lol

Could've easily shot either of these bucks yesterday morning



Junior Member
Delaware County
This buck is exactly what you want to see in a mule deer minus some width. If I can locate him he'll be a big target for next year.

The one in the background is awesome. If he had forks on the g2s he'd be one hell of a buck. My Dad had him at 20 yards bedded down.

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Those are some great pics. Best pics I have ever seen out of a Spypoint. Scenery is amazing for sure. Love the fence crossing pic.