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The continued trials of Hedge and his crossbow


Senior Member
Supporting Member

So yeah.....it continues but I think I have a handle on it.

I had 2 bolts from the ones that came with the crossbow (Tenpoint Stealth NXT) and 5 from a package of bolts that I bought to have spares. Using field points I had 3 of them that were literally 3 inches right and 6-7" high from the point of impact of the others at 20 yards. This image happened after I went through and thought I had separated them but obviously missed one.

Could the bolts from the same package be that off on weight or some other aspect? The "fliers" were consistent to the other point of impact.
Any ideas from the smarter people on here? I don't have any fancy equipment to check them against one another short of what I did today.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Oh and any ideas on how to get the bolt out? or just cut it? Its buried in a true 6x6 or 8x8 on the other side of the outer piece of wood. I can't move it with my hands.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Oh and any ideas on how to get the bolt out? or just cut it? Its buried in a true 6x6 or 8x8 on the other side of the outer piece of wood. I can't move it with my hands.
Unscrew the bolt. They have threaded “T” pullers that you screw into a point and wiggle until it’s loose, then pull it out. @brock ratcliff shoots a lot of archery ranges so I’m sure he has access to one.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Are you putting the white Fletch on the bottom every time?

Is your rail properly lubed?

Are you sure your scope is tight?

If it has a string stopper/damper, are they even and tight?

Have someone else shoot it and listen for a twang of something that loose. If all of these things are fine, I'd say your scope is junk. I've had arrows fly weird, but not out of the same box. Usually it is the changing of the arrow or something came loose.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Afterthought...where are you clamping that rest you have? Assuming you are using it for this. I wonder if it is throwing it off from being squeezed. It would be easy enough to free hand it to find out. These things are stupid accurate. You shouldn't be aiming at the same spot twice.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Are you putting the white Fletch on the bottom every time?

Is your rail properly lubed?

Are you aire your scope is tight?

If it has a string stopper/damper, are they even and tight?

Have someone else shoot it and listen for a twang of something that loose. If all of these things are fine, I'd say your scope is junk. I've had arrows fly weird, but not out of the same box. Usually it is the changing of the arrow of something came loose.
White fletch in bottom each time
Yes lubed before shooting
scope is tight (will go into more detail)
Did you weigh the arrows for consistency? I think the scope is bad.
I don't have anything other than a kitchen scale to weigh them on.

Once i went through and split them into groups. The group that shot to the point of aim = point of impact stayed consistent. The group that shot high and right started consistent. I even switched the field points and nocks around with NO CHANGE.

So i don't see how my scope could consistently be inconsistent.

And yes i was using the bogpod but only clamped into the forearm.


Active Member
Athens County
I had two sets of arrows for mine and it was a huge difference even though both had 100 g field points on them. No Idea what the difference in weight of the arrows were though and that might be the difference. Oh and getting the arrow out....use a chisel 😆
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  • Haha
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IMO if the weight is consistent and all other factors are equal, it’s not a scope or equipment issue. To have 3 arrows consistently be off in exactly the same way and the others that are flying true be hitting together suggests it’s the arrows, not the bow. I used to chase my tail with this same issue. I mentioned it in another thread but the issue turned out to be spine alignment. I switched to spine aligned arrows and no more flyers, and broadheads hit consistent with field points. I was shocked, honestly. I dialed in with the field points, switched to the broadheads and there was no change in POI in all 12 arrows. I’m certainly no expert but that worked for me. If you don’t want to switch up your arrows at this point, I’m pretty sure you can take them to a bow shop and have them indexed and refletched so they’re all the same. Hope this helps


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
I had an issue with the kids old barrnett that wouldn't shoot bolts the same ended up just using the 3 that shot the best. Are the knocks all the same I know my buddy said his 10 point shoots a certain style knock that 10pt makes.


Active Member
Carbon, In
Maybe a dumb question, but my dad just bought a ten point and they use proprietary nocks. They are the same brand of bolts?

Do you have the Acudraw? Or the Acudraw 50? If you are doing it by hand, imbalanced drawing can come into play.

My dad bought the Invader 400 and we didnt know jack about it. We were shooting all the way to 50 yards and only missing dead center by a few inches which was probably us. Your story sounds like something must be out of whack.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
I had an issue with the kids old barrnett that wouldn't shoot bolts the same ended up just using the 3 that shot the best. Are the knocks all the same I know my buddy said his 10 point shoots a certain style knock that 10pt makes.
I switched between lighted and standard nocks with no change in point of impact.

Maybe a dumb question, but my dad just bought a ten point and they use proprietary nocks. They are the same brand of bolts?

Do you have the Acudraw? Or the Acudraw 50? If you are doing it by hand, imbalanced drawing can come into play.

My dad bought the Invader 400 and we didnt know jack about it. We were shooting all the way to 50 yards and only missing dead center by a few inches which was probably us. Your story sounds like something must be out of whack.
Yes it has the acu draw pro crank system. I tried cranking slow and fast with no change in point of impact.