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The Future of Hunting in Ohio

If you could make one change to Ohio deer hunting regualtions ,what would it be?

  • Ban baiting.

    Votes: 33 75.0%
  • Modify camera use. (E.g. No cell cams in season, No cams on public, etc.)

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • Change season dates. (E.g. Reduce opportunity, Alter NR guidelines, etc.)

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • Modify crossbow use. (E.g. Special season, Medical/Age restrictions, etc.)

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • Attempt to discourage leasing. (E.g. New fees, New access programs, combined with season changes, et

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • Ban baiting, cameras, crossbows, guns and make people hunt in loin clothes using sharp sticks.

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Other, and I'll share my recommendation in this thread.

    Votes: 3 6.8%

  • Total voters
So think about this. Several people having anxiety about the thread and the content in it (civil to this point). Now put yourself in the position of the ODNR, you have to listen to all of this AND you have to make decisions that will appease everyone. Next to impossible. Now you know why not much changes at the top, no one is willing to get their hands dirty and pull up their boot-straps.

There should be a willingness to at least try new ideas instead of waiting for another state to implement something and see how that goes. Be a leader ODNR, take charge of YOUR state!

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
So think about this. Several people having anxiety about the thread and the content in it (civil to this point). Now put yourself in the position of the ODNR, you have to listen to all of this AND you have to make decisions that will appease everyone. Next to impossible. Now you know why not much changes at the top, no one is willing to get their hands dirty and pull up their boot-straps.

There should be a willingness to at least try new ideas instead of waiting for another state to implement something and see how that goes. Be a leader ODNR, take charge of YOUR state!
Big big assumption that ODNR gives a crap what anyone thinks other than then lobbyist and those with power.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So think about this. Several people having anxiety about the thread and the content in it (civil to this point). Now put yourself in the position of the ODNR, you have to listen to all of this AND you have to make decisions that will appease everyone. Next to impossible. Now you know why not much changes at the top, no one is willing to get their hands dirty and pull up their boot-straps.

There should be a willingness to at least try new ideas instead of waiting for another state to implement something and see how that goes. Be a leader ODNR, take charge of YOUR state!

The biggest problem I see is hunters aren't first and foremost. Sportsmen are the people that pay the bills at the DOW. Screw all this balancing act trying to make everyone happy. Sportsman should be the first and foremost opinion that matters.
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I thought I was pretty clear but apparently maybe not. OK, the ODNR is full of pussy's that are afraid to listen to the people. They're afraid to even have the conversation MUCH LIKE PEOPLE ON HERE. The only people they try to make happy is themselves with their repeated pay checks for doing status quo.

As I said, get off your ass ODNR......it's time to be leaders and stop waiting for other states to tell you what to do. Look at your counties on a small scale, have meetings WITH THE PUBLIC and get a consensus and fucking act on something.

Please don't respond with "they don't care or they don't give a crap" that is already known and apparent. Call them out yourselves.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
We (hunters) are our own worst enemies….
Like Joe stated above, we pay the bills, we should be their priority.
We’re so fractured that we’ll never come together. If we could, changes would be made. But then again hunters would probably still bitch about it.
The archery community (I use that term loosely) has for the most part been spoiled. We have a long season, liberal bag limits on antlerless, and only interrupted a couple weeks to allow gun seasons.
You’ll need a consensus among all the groups and that’ll never happen.
So in the meantime, lobbyists sneak in, grease palms and we’re back to sucking hind tit again….. Year after year…. Sounds like the definition of insanity….
I’ll still buy my tags, fill those tags with whatever weapons I choose that are allowed by the state, enjoy my venison meals and keep reading the same old stories about the DNR…..
Probably time to make that reevaluation appointment with my therapist….. 🙄
The assumption that ODNR or the PA Game Commission even consider Sportsmen any where near the top of their equations is fundamentally flawed.

Want definitive proof? They are NOT CALLED the Pennsylvania Sportsman's Commission nor The Ohio Department of Sportsman's Resources now are they?

Their priorities are:
#1.) Keeping their Jobs and the powers they bring.
#2.) Keeping the politicians and bureaucrats happy so their boat don't rock.
#3.) Inventorying the "natural resources" including timber and mineral rights along with fish and game and license/fee revenues to maintain an ever increasing budget to fund their income and benefits till their retirement comes.
#4.) Appeasing the loud voices of lobbyists like the Insurance industry, oil and gas folk, outdoor recreation equipment industry, timber industry, ETC.
#5.) Giving lip service to their hunting and fishing management tools who buy the licenses pay the fees and are a third revenue source by way of fines...

Now, out of the above 5 listed, which of them are they least likely to want to interact with? The lowest on their totem pole look to climb up away from this one and on to better paying, more insulated from stress careers in their profession! Remember those bottom rung folks are the ones enforcing the law on the worst of us. Plus the majority of their time is spent in training for identifying and eliminating the threat of the potential crime of the worst of us, such that we are all suspected of being from the worst of us...particularly at night and nearly always carrying some form of weapon!

The problems are baked in to the system and the other revenue streams are a safer and more quickly growing benefit to them!

Enjoy the recreation while you still can and do everything you can to support your fellow sportsmen/women while recruiting the young and minority populations to the sport! It is the only way to slow down the timeline till we lose the privilege which once was our birthright!

When we old folk were growing up we were free to do everything as long as we broke no law and hurt no person. Today that fundamental right has been replaced with government regulation and the need to ask permission of our handlers to do anything!

My signature sentence below had to be condensed to meet the website requirement length. Here is the full quote I paraphrased:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams

This link will take you to some excellent Samuel Adams Good Reads:



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
I think there is another item not being discussed in larger scope....technology, in general. Not just cellular cams, but cellular phones, online forums, OnX apps, xbows, muzzleloaders, clothing, pop up blinds, shooting aids, food plots, you name it, it could go on forever. The world is much smaller now and we don't need to put forth the effort to gain the access, the info, get the deer to come to us, to stay afield longer, to improve the kill, like in years past. How do we keep it under control, or do we need to? How does the ODNR factor it in? Hell if I know.

This thread isn't toxic, this thread shouldn't be giving anyone anxiety, no reason for CAPS (lol, breathe Chuck). This activity we are very passionate about continues to evolve, we have to also.
With regards to peoples perceptions. This picture should settle everything for us. What do you see? What colors are this dress? Simply respond as to the colors you see please?

  • Haha
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