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The GIFT delivered to my back porch.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Just a quick recap on Dads Xbow kill. That morning I was in my treestand a good half hour before first light. I was situated high in a poplar tree over looking a pinch point across the creek and hollow from our hunting cabin and property.
Ric and I were both hot on the trail of a 160" buck that we both had encounters with in the past.
Dad had said that he was going to hunt the JP that morning as well and that we would meet at the cabin at noon for lunch.
However, I saw Dads truck pull in to the cabin at 9:30, so I cracked a smile and said to myself,"yup ole Rodge must have slept in"!
So fast forward, I got out of my stand at 11:45 and made it to the cabin at noon. As I walked towards the front porch I saw Dads crossbow sitting on the picnic table with a bloody bolt stuck in his quiver!
I stepped into the cabin and there he was talking with my FIL Ray, both with big grins on their faces! Dad ask me, " Did you have any luck"?. I responded NO, but did you???? Lol
He busted into his step by step account of how his 5 minute hunt unfolded! Lol
He said that he wasn't about to get up early that morning. That he'd just go for a short walk and set for an hour or two.
So as he made his 60 yard walk from his truck, he had no longer got set down when he heard deer walking up the hill towards him. Two nice 3 year olds were cruising does and where on a collision course with him. Dad said that the buck in the rear was a little bit bigger, but he wasn't sorting! Once they saw him at 15 yards they both turned broadside and dad was already locked on the leader. After the shot, both Bucks took off down the trail towards the property line. All said and done, Dad blew out the Bucks heart and he only went 50 yards!
He was so excited to have his first deer story to tell! We laughed at how short his hunt was and how I hunted from first light to almost noon with not a deer in sight.
I was so lucky and blessed to share that special day with him and to now share it with you all!


Hearing that again made my eyes well up bro!!! Wish I was there that special day!

I bet he stopped by the hardware store in Stockport and got his chocolate milk and bag of Krispy Kreme doughnuts on his way through too!
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Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Great read, Ron... thats awesome. Great pictures. Frame it on the wall. Did your dad have it mounted on the wall or you guys have it at your house?
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio

Oops, I got mixed up. The beam measurements I posted were of TG8. This buck still had very impressive beam lengths though. They were 27 and change and 28 and change. I'll try and dig up the score sheet.

Thanks again for reading my story.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Great stories Ric and Ron. Great pictures as well, awesome thread.

Thanks Dustin!

Yeah, Brian,Mike and of course Ron have heard how that morning went for me that day within the confines of our living room and porch. Pretty comical, IMO.

In Ron's story he made reference to dad going to hunt the JP. The JP stands for the Johnson's Place which is what our granddad and his generation called it when they purchased it. There's an old stone foundation still there where the Johnson's house sat just above the creek road that borders the lower end of the property.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Yeah thanks y'all.
Some of you guys heard of my opening day of bow season blunder a couple years back. It was a Murphy's Law hunt from the start! Next time we sit around the campfire, I will share it with you.:)