I live in Chesterland, about 20 minutes south of Mentor, grew up in the area. In order to hunt in Mentor I believe the landowner has to have 5 acres, could be wrong. That's a tough find. If you can knock on doors or hook up with someone in Kirtland, it's pretty good in some areas. And there is plenty of good deer hunting to be had within an hour drive. Pretty much anywhere in Geauga county, Madison(my buddy kills some monsters there), or Perry, just gotta put in some time on the road and ask. Hambden Orchard is the closest public land to my knowledge, but it's garbage hunting. Grand river wildlife area and Mosquito Wildlife Area(the parts that are open to the public) hold some big deer if you can get away from the other hunters. And I would suggest putting in for the lake and geauga county park hunts. Geauga is better, but they are ok. I got drawn for Lake a few years back and my spot sucked balls, but so is life.