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THe last two weeks!


Senior Member
THis year has been a very different and humbling year, to say the least. Its not over yet, and I dont intend on quiting. I have hunted this year harder than I ever have. What makes it an odd year is that I have yet to eve lay eyes on a shooter from the stand. I have had photos of one shooter all year, which is the deer my dad shot the other night. I am glad he was able to harvest that deer, as it was his biggest to date! Most people would call me crazy, as I have passed 5 deer now that would go anywhere from low to high 130s! Unfortunately, thats not what I am looking for!

I have put tons of hours in a stand and have hunted everyday I didnt work religiously. Well that is until this weekend. THe was the last weekend my buddy was home from Texas, so since thursday I have only been in a stand two times. You could say we were living it up a little. ha I must admit though ,I needed some time out of a stand to boost my moral! He leaves today, so this past weekend we made the best of it. Good times, good friends, and lots and lots of memories!

THe two days I hunted were nothing but disasters. Fri evening I had 7 does approaching and were at about 20 yards when suddenly they started bolting and blowing and scattered! The wind wasi n my favor and I was baffled, well for aobut 60 seconds then I realized what had happened! I hear steps comnig through the thicket and out pops some random woman apparently taking a nature hike. FYI for those reading, never, and I mean never come walking through a thicket when I am hunting on the other side trying to hunt. about 160 hours of pent up tree stand frustration got directed at this lady. I have never seen a look of fear on someones face as this lady had. She attempted to apologize, but unfortunately for her, she knew she was in the wrong and I can almost gurantee thta not only will this lady never step foot in thse woods again, but she will no longer be wearting the under wear she had on that day! I am pretty sure I scared the living shit out of her! Shortly there after I packed up my stuff and left.

Fast forward to last night. I am sitting in stand and had a couple deer millnig around. I hear an old tractor fire up and where do you think this tractor was headed? Ill tlel ya where, rt past me! Once agian, deer scattered! At this point I had zero energy to even say anything! I just leaned back in my stand and let the final 20 min of daylight fade.

Tuesday I will start back up my relentless pursuit of a buck deer. THe one place I have been hunting has a lot of standing corn in 3 seperate fields! I just got a call saying that the front field, which is the biggest is bening cut rt now! Which leaves 2 fields about 10 acres in size left. This should corral the deer in the last two standing fields. I am hoping I can hunt when they cut the last two fields. There is a very smallpinch point where every deer will have to go when it is cut. I plan on posting up there with hopes of catching the buck I believe is in there coming out!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Keep the faith man....we all got faith in ya - dude, yer like a clock, rackin 'em up year after year.

Would shooting a doe help to take the edge off?


Senior Member
kaiser . stick to your guns . dont kill a smaller one just because you dont want to go without a buck this year . and i think there all hot according to randy . .

I thought I had some recent pics in my email, but I dont. But here is hte msot recent deer I let walk, obviously this was earlier in the year! Thank god for trail cams, if I would have been hunting and had no knowledge of this deer I would have shot. But having pics of him all summer made it easier to pass him. He is a damn nice 3 y/o. Unfortunately his beams are super short, although, next year he should be a stud! I had him at 25 yards last tuesday following a doe!


Senior Member
i respect your choice to pass on him he will be a brute next year although he would have been shot by me! Good luck Kaiser I picked you for the next person to kill a deer and 1023 beat you to it. Don't leave me looking like an idiot:smiley_bestfriends:
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Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Don't take this the wrong way brother, but it was probably time for you to have a humbling season. I have faith in you tagging out yet, but you've had to "earn" this one a little longer than the rest. It's a good learning experience. Most of us have no idea what it's like to hunt deer of the caliber you chase, nor can we fathom the success you've had in your young career. A season like this will help keep you from getting jaded by all the success. I for one, have little sympathy for you! :p Not because I don't care about you as a friend, but because I wish I could be in your shoes and have your "problems". A shitty situation to you, is a blessing to most. Never forget that. Some of us would kill to have a plague of 130's to bother us for the season...

Good luck dude. If anyone can tag out on a late season monster, you have my vote!


Junior Member
Maumee, OH
That buck in the pic above would be at the top of most hunters hit list. good luck to you and your last 2 corn fields, can't wait to see what you think is a shooter buck.


Senior Member
Don't take this the wrong way brother, but it was probably time for you to have a humbling season. I have faith in you tagging out yet, but you've had to "earn" this one a little longer than the rest. It's a good learning experience. Most of us have no idea what it's like to hunt deer of the caliber you chase, nor can we fathom the success you've had in your young career. A season like this will help keep you from getting jaded by all the success. I for one, have little sympathy for you! :p Not because I don't care about you as a friend, but because I wish I could be in your shoes and have your "problems". A shitty situation to you, is a blessing to most. Never forget that. Some of us would kill to have a plague of 130's to bother us for the season...

Good luck dude. If anyone can tag out on a late season monster, you have my vote!

Nah no offense taken! I realize I have been very fortunate! Although, I put more hours in than the average person. This wasnt a poor me post, but more of an update! I have had probably one of the best seasons I have ever had, and I havent even shot a buck! I saw 3 people close to me knock down 3 dandies. 2 of them BBC bucks, and one missing it by like 5 inches. I have nothing to complain about. Do I wanna kill my buck? UHHH YA! ha I dont know if I wanna kill my buck more for me, or because its almost like everyone expects it from me! I hate letting people down! But I wont settle this year! Although, its hard to kill a 140 inch deer, if there isnt one there to be killed! THere is onethat I know of, and he is at the center of my attention.

THe above pictured deer is gonna be a stud next year if he can just dodge the bullets in a few weeks! If he makes it through gun season, he has a great chance of making it to next year. THis deer is almost unproportionate in size when comparing rack to body. THats what makes him look so big is the small size of his body!

THer is another buck that will not net 140, but has 150 inches of total antler on his head that I will shoot. HE is MIA right now. I give it another few days and he should be back. THis is the deer I refer to as roamer! he ia a 4y/o that we have a ton of History with. He isnt as active in daylight this year as he was last year, although he is a 4 y/o now. They say that the biggest mental change occurs in a deer between 3 and 4. I now believe that, this deer has changed his ways big time! Here is a side profile of him! He is loaded with points! The points you can see in the middle are his 7 inch brows! He is a stud!

One thing I have learned is that once you start hunting one or two particular deer, the challenge goes up hill big time. ITs amazing how well a deer can avoid you and not even be trying to do so. I will be heartbroke if someone else kills this deer. For some reason, I have a major woody for this deer! Not to menton we have both his sheds from last year!
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Stick with it buddy, I have fait you can pull it off again this year. The buck you posted above is a dandy, and I wish you the best of luck in busting him.

This season has been a frustrating one for myself, and also very humbling.


Senior Member
Stick with it buddy, I have fait you can pull it off again this year. The buck you posted above is a dandy, and I wish you the best of luck in busting him.

This season has been a frustrating one for myself, and also very humbling.

Just checked the cam! He is back! He was there monday at 4 oclock! Im headingo ut tonight to deflate him! Hopefully he is reading the script as we speak!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Kaiser, after working, and killing this buck, could you purty-please find a minute to tell us about your dad's crossbow, the one in the pic? Looked like wood, like an oldie-but-goodie, and Enquiring minds still want to know!


Senior Member
Kaiser, after working, and killing this buck, could you purty-please find a minute to tell us about your dad's crossbow, the one in the pic? Looked like wood, like an oldie-but-goodie, and Enquiring minds still want to know!

hahah sorry! I forgot to tell you on the other post!

It is a parker safari classic. Its not very old, maybe like 4 or 5 years. I bought it for him for his birthday awhile back. He needed one, so I just bought him one! ha He has shot several deer with it over the years. He now has 3 bucks with it! He seems to like it. The stock is not wood, it is laminant(sp). It has actually been kinda a problem bow. We have had the stock replaced once and now one of the limbs is frayed! Lifetime warranty though, so they do it for free! I believe it is 150lb!