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The month of February


Junior Member
I’m going to start this off right! Who da fugg likes February? I find it by far the most F*****d up month of the year!
Nothing on Tv but a bunch of bullshit. #reruns!!😂 The ladies are all bundled up!

Walmart is a fugging wreck! Ya walk in and just want to shoot yourself in the fuggin face as you look around. Yeah I. Know it’s not the top spot for the gene pool but geeshus fug.... It’s like something between wrong turn and Gallagher’s finest watermelon smashing play!

Hunting season ends. I mean what is a fella supposed to do. Then ya got Valentine’s Day? Who da fugg invented that. I was waiting for flowers was a real nail biter. That shit didn’t happen!!

Sure as shit tho I bought some for the lady. Soon as I got out of the store damn petals started falling off. Yippee. Lucky me

I mean really who da fugg, created this month full of bullshit. Someone needs smacked!
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Staff member
I hate February and March. Seasonal depression is a legit thing for me when hunting season closes. I don't know what to do with my free time. It plain old sucks.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Definitely cabin fever time....at least March is prime for shed hunting and white perch fishing. The only thing good in February is the hunting and fishing conventions/exhibits. I usually use this time to scout for the next season/clear shooting lanes, etc.


Senior Member
"to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

February and March are pretty much my least favorite months, too. I beat seasonal depression by taking down treestands, scheming/fine tuning ambushes for next season, shed hunting, canning all my squirrels, grinding venison, making sausage, cutting firewood, and building bows. I also do a little more cooking than usual. it's the perfect time for cold smoking stuff, making beef bone stock and soups that I'll freeze and eat later. I have three brisket flats cooking in an old cooler with the immersion circulator right now. I'll finish one of them Monday afternoon, freeze the others until it's time to smoke them. It's a serious monetary bonus for me when I have 5 weeks of paint work to do the day after bow season ends. I don't really get bored this time of year. did I mention it's bow building season? tillered a bbo for me today. shoot it some tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
I cut firewood. Not freezing well this year has put a damper on dragging any logs for easy pickings so this year can especially suck it! February blows , March you can get a gilmer of spring with fishing getting going then weeks of miserable cold that clings on for dear life....I used to drink my way through but stopped that habit so I guess sex will have to take its place.....just hope the wife goes for it😏


Junior Member
Go get a couple beagles and enjoy the time with them chasing cottontails problem solved.... Simple solution too your problem...[/QUOTE

I would rather this month be named national titty month lease it or please it! If you don’t own land here no one will let ya hunt it. Use to have more property to hunt than you could walk in a day. Now days not so much.....


Junior Member
Funny shit month of February, you get batshit crazy proposals, from the same 8 people who vote every year unanimously together that never hunt public! Most are older than dirt, . Then want ya to pay to kill a coyote! Then tell ya less is more! I say fire those fuggers!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
They’re not always my least favorite months. It depends on the weather. If I’m ice fishing on Erie, they have potential to be overall favorite months of the year. I think there’s always something to do though. Scouting, shed hunting, ice fishing, trapping coyotes, etc.... and there’s our local chapter PF banquet in March that I sponsor and attend every year. It’s a great time.

Now why is anyone going to Walmart? Especially in February? Anyone who chooses to put themselves in that situation deserves the consequences. 😂


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
You miserable bastards. I love Feb-Mar. because it is usually finally frozen and there is snow on the ground. Great opportunity to also slow down the daily grind after the holidays are over and before spring hits. I use it for winter sports if possible (ice fishing, snowmobiling, sledding, etc.) and to review finances for the upcoming year along with identify and prep any big homestead projects when the weather breaks.

I would rather swap Feb-Mar. for Apr.-May. We live in the woods and the yard is impassable during that time as is much of most ground. It typically rains a ton and has large temp. swings. I am not a fan of a 70*+ day or 2 to just drop back to the 30's.
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