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The Moon - What do we know?


Junior Member
what is wednesday looking like Brock? I ask because still going to be cold but with a overcast. You got me amped up about tuesday but I just took my vacation last week.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The moon rises just before noon on Saturday, like 1145 am. With the youth gun season, deer may get moved around some in the mornings, so you might see a lot of activity earlier than I think you would if it weren't for that. If I could only hunt once a day, I'd choose the afternoon! I'll be going out this evening unless something happens at the shop again.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Do we think that with the moon being the way it has been this week, is it effecting the deer movement this week? Putting all typical gun week stuff behind. Drives, etc.


Dignitary Member
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Gods Country
With the moon being overhead at night now. I know I would not expect movement during morning if I where bow hunting. But I think you can throw all that out the window due to gun.

Then again if there is no one to push them they might not move at all.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
In talking with my foreman yesterday (he has not seen squat the last couple mornings) we discussed 10am-2pm sits. I haven't been hunting but have put on a ton of miles road scouting this week. My buddies all think the big and bright moon is hurting them.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Looking at weather for tomorrow notice that the moonrise is at 12:09pm and Sunday is 12:46
Might see some midday strolling goin' on (I'm hoping)


Staff member
The fall equinox is September 22 this year, putting the "rutting moon" on November 17th. Rough calculations put peek chasing and seeking November 14 - November 25. If you have the iSolunar app on your phone, they give a 4 fish rating for November 16, 17, 18, and 19. Looking back on last season, I am still on the fence in regards to the moon effecting rut timing. I saw a remarkable increase in cursing activity by mature bucks during the peak time frame Charlie predicted for chasing last year. My buck fell on the 5th, which was Day 3 of what Alsheimer predicted as peak chasing, yet my buck was clearly on the cruise the 3rd, 4th, and again on the 5th when I shot him. The following weekend when we should have been on the tail end of chasing according to Alsheimer, I saw the best chasing I've ever seen on our farm.

At this point, I think I belong to the photoperiod camp of things. What say ye?

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I believe we can count on things starting at Halloween, with spikes in activity through December. I also think we can say without question the first two weeks of November will hold the most promise to kill a nice deer, the week of Thanksgiving will be the BEST week to kill a monster. Personal observation told me that, Mrex's book confirms it. I think depending on the rise and fall of the moon we can predict what days of the month we will see the most daytime movement. And, I think an approaching front trumps all when it comes to deer movement.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
If I remember right, The isolunar ap showed the 4th as the day when the moon rises and set at the same time as the sun. Would it be wise to take a day off around that as well? I still have yet to request vacation time this season. I was already planning on taking A day or 2 off around the 17th, and possibly the gun opener.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I believe we can count on things starting at Halloween, with spikes in activity through December. I also think we can say without question the first two weeks of November will hold the most promise to kill a nice deer, the week of Thanksgiving will be the BEST week to kill a monster. Personal observation told me that, Mrex's book confirms it. I think depending on the rise and fall of the moon we can predict what days of the month we will see the most daytime movement. And, I think an approaching front trumps all when it comes to deer movement.

So, in a nut shell, be in the woods as much as you can during the month of november.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
So, in a nut shell, be in the woods as much as you can during the month of november.

Yes, but if you only have a short time frame to hunt, pick the time the moon is in the sky during daylight hours. If its rising at 7 am and setting at 7 pm....all day sit. If you have to choose between a morning or evening sit, and the moon is rising at 2pm...evening hunt.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
So, in a nut shell, be in the woods as much as you can during the month of november.

That is what I am hoping for. Fronts, moon phases, blah blah blah, I will try to maximize time during these periods of "more opportune" times, but I simply hope to hunt as much as possible.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I've said it before and I will say it again. Halloween is prolly the most activity according to my TC's pics for Mature bucks on their feet. The last 5 or so years, so I will prolly take 2 days vac. Plus the weekend . Then the second week of Nov.

Man, wish I could hunt the full month of Nov. lol. I'd be divorced and jobless if I did.