things have really changed since I was young and it was kill everything that ran past, I'm not saying it was wrong, it was just the way things were done back then in our neck of the woods.
I can relate to that Tad as we are from very similar areas. I know of a few camps who still operate like that. The thing that cracks me up is most of those guys bowhunt TOO, then take place in the slaughter every time there is a gun season in. When I started hunting, it was with a gun. We sit in the morning, do a drive, eat lunch, do another drive or 2-3, then still hunt or sit until dark when we gun hunt. I like to drive deer and have learned a good bit about it over the years. But simply put, it is just killing. There's not much "hunting" to it when it comes to being a stander.
I always had the same "that's it" feeling after pulling the trigger and watching the animal flop around on the ground while its nervous system shuts down. I never felt bad about it but it is a different feeling then shooting a deer in a tree stand in the fall with a bow.
That is the feeling I was describing. Typically when I shoot something, it felt like I'd completed any other chore. What I have noticed with my bow kills now that I have become much more selective is that I feel a deeper connection to the animal. When I shoot a deer with a bow, there was a process and method to my selection. I CHOSE to kill that deer in a much more intimate manner. Unless you've ever done it, it is hard to explain but I know nearly all of you know what I am saying. There's just something about killing a deer with a bow and arrow that has a much deeper connection to me than simply pulling the trigger on a gun...