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The streak lives on...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Awsome story Jesse, way to stay after it. That would have been a tough situation after seeing those kids, but you guys didn't give up and she didn't get that bad taste in her mouth of the hunt was runied. Way to keep the streak alive!


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
One the hardest things for me taking my kids hunting was that I'm left handed and they are right handed. I had to force my self to think about how we should sit or stand because of the difference. It seems minor but it made shooting awkward for them a few times when I didn't think of it.

I can see that happening to me! LOL! I am the most awkward pretend lefty in the world! Lord help me if I have to demonstrate anything left handed. Always feels like a stranger!!! rotflmao


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Great story Jesse. Made me feel like I was right there with you both for the hunts :D.

I have been pulling for you both this year and happy TOO see it has been a successful season for Tracie as well as yourself.
It's hard for one person to get it done every year but having both of you continue a streak like this is amazing and truly a feat to be proud of.

I'm pulling for Tracie this coming muzzy season to lay one low and able to get one that is wall worthy would be AWESOME !!

Best of luck and a BIG CONGRATS!!! to Tracie on her BB.


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
Well I must admit, this picture has it all.

A button buck, good looking girl, a lab, and CHEETOS!!!!
