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There is just something about it?!

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
After yet another failed chance at harvesting a deer,being so close to getting a shot, it got me thinking and kinda pisses me off. I am still looking for my second archery kill. I've learned so much in the field and from this site and others along with the members. I take it personal when a deer gives me the slip as I m cussing and scratching my head wondering where I messed up. In a two week span I could of killed 10+ deer IF I was hunting with a gun. But the shots presented I didn't feel comfortable with or just the lack of shot opportunities for a bow hunter are to me the thing that draws me deeper into the sport. I started out gun only hunting and took my fair share of bucks but there is nothing like playing a intense game of cat and mouse wit ANY deer. This year I could of went gun hunting and did drives and had my buck but that just doesn't appeal to me any more not that I have anything against it, I just prefer to hunt this way myself. I am a realistic man and would love to shoot a big mature buck but a mature doe or average doe will put me on could nine too! There is nothing like just sitting there in a woods and scanning back and forth for hours just to see a deer that may or may not come into range. I get doe fever when I see a doe coming my way lol. I hope to be at your guys level some day but I am happy where I am right now and I guess that's what it's about. You gotta play your game and live up to your resonable expectations not what some ones does or thinks whats right. So basically I am saying I am happy shooting whatever I get a chance at this point in my hunting career a far cry from what is put out in the media these days. I am taking today and tomorrow off and hitting again sunday more......peace out
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Man, I wish I was a year-in year-out guy, but... well... I'm not. That is why getting a trophy is so special. The challenge is like nothing else. I've gone on some serious dry spells that seemed to be forever without getting what I consider a trophy.
I think that is why there is "just something about it". It's an obsession!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Glad you enjoy it. Bowhunting is an addiction and the most fun you can have with your clothes on.. Don't for a second think were any better though. Sure some of us have better properties and some of us have them devoid of deer. But every one of us has left the woods shaking out heads and mumbling to ourselves.. And I'm sure we've all flipped off a deer or two as they skirted out stand. But there is one thing that separates us from most.. We go home. Think about it. Formulate a plan.. And get our ass back in the woods.. Even if it is only to find out that plan sucked.. lmao... But we keep doing it because we're either half crazy, enjoy self punishment, or because it just so much damn fun..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Glad you enjoy it. Bowhunting is an addiction and the most fun you can have with your clothes on.. Don't for a second think were any better though. Sure some of us have better properties and some of us have them devoid of deer. But every one of us has left the woods shaking out heads and mumbling to ourselves.. And I'm sure we've all flipped off a deer or two as they skirted out stand. But there is one thing that separates us from most.. We go home. Think about it. Formulate a plan.. And get our ass back in the woods.. Even if it is only to find out that plan sucked.. lmao... But we keep doing it because we're either half crazy, enjoy self punishment, or because it just so much damn fun..



Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Glad you enjoy it. Bowhunting is an addiction and the most fun you can have with your clothes on.. Don't for a second think were any better though. Sure some of us have better properties and some of us have them devoid of deer. But every one of us has left the woods shaking out heads and mumbling to ourselves.. And I'm sure we've all flipped off a deer or two as they skirted out stand. But there is one thing that separates us from most.. We go home. Think about it. Formulate a plan.. And get our ass back in the woods.. Even if it is only to find out that plan sucked.. lmao... But we keep doing it because we're either half crazy, enjoy self punishment, or because it just so much damn fun..

Amen x's 2!!!

Being a dedicated bowhunter is a way of life. We make the decision to set ourselves up for failure more often than not because we can't get enough of that feeling we get when I plan finally comes together. I would not give up my right and ability to bowhunt for much of anything. Certainly no amount of money because if I had money, all I'd want to do is buy land, manage it, and hunt it!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Glad to hear that you are enjoying bow hunting. This has been one of the most frustrating years in nearly a decade for me, but all in all I have still enjoyed myself.


My Bow season was tough..It seemed Nov 2nd and 3rd were the best for me then unfortuantely the hunters rolled into my spot and things got bad...It seems the publicland i hunt gets hammered from Nov 5th on..I may concetrate on the last week of October next year..I am gonna try and beat the flood of hunters.