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There's a good chance......


Dignitary Member
Staff member
We'll see how things pan out. I'm going to try and get my commanding officer to let me miss the USMC B-day ball on 10 November. If I can get out of that then I'll be home for a week or so and can probably come down and hang out for a day or two. If I'm only home for three or four days I can't guarantee I'll be able to make it.

Now I've got another problem.

I've got my long bow here, with arrows and targets, but no place to shoot. I had planned on going out to the magazine area, but now they won't allow POV's out there so I'm screwed.

Sounds like you need to go pay a visit to the motor pool. Only Pain there is you'll have to PMCS the sucker. Ehhhh.. Tell a PVT to go get you a vehicle out of the motor pool. lol


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
OK, I spoke to my CO today. He didn't say yes, but he didn't say no either. He told me he'd think about it and get back with me. What that really means is un-fuck your department and I'll let you go. You see I inherited a real turd. We just failed a major inspection and have had countless other issues since I've been here. Luckily I'm the new guy so all the bad stuff belongs to the guy I relieved. I've affected ALOT of change so far and the ship is slowly heading in the right direction. It'll be at least another two months before I start seeing the fruit of my efforts. So...... Only time will tell....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
OK, I spoke to my CO today. He didn't say yes, but he didn't say no either. He told me he'd think about it and get back with me. What that really means is un-fuck your department and I'll let you go. You see I inherited a real turd. We just failed a major inspection and have had countless other issues since I've been here. Luckily I'm the new guy so all the bad stuff belongs to the guy I relieved. I've affected ALOT of change so far and the ship is slowly heading in the right direction. It'll be at least another two months before I start seeing the fruit of my efforts. So...... Only time will tell....

Dey messin wif your hunting now.. SMOKE EM TILL THEY PUKE... LOL


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA

That good chance is quickly fading. No word from my CO on whether I'm going to get the pass on the USMC B-day ball. Tickets are on sale now and I've only got till, maybe, next week. I'm pretty much assuming that silence means I have to go, but then again there has been a lot going on and letting me go deer hunting is probably the last thing on his mind.

I'm going to hold off on the tickets for another day or two. I also need to find out if my new evening dress uniform will be here in time for me to get it tailored. Field Grade officers are supposed to wear the evening dress uniform vise dress blues to events like this. The friggen uniform is expensive too ($1,000+). If my evening dress isn't going to make it I'll use that as additional ammo to get out of the ball