From what i been reading they havnt found a single case of CWD outside of that deer farm in Holmes county yet so hopefully that dont get out into the wild! the one promising thing about the one in Holmes county is the seller wants to lease the 45 acres in fields off of the buyer and plant them yearly with corn and soybeans, so i would have free food and maybe a little income off of it plus it has producing gas wells on it. i get along fine with the amish so that part dont bother me much except for i know they like to pile up the deer meat in gun season and that could hurt me if they were to close. i was reading about killinbuck outfitters out near killbuck and it seems like they have killed some real tropheys out of that area to. i know this isnt the place to ask this but what do you guys think about the fishing out in that area (within an hour drive or so)? what would you guys charge someone to rent 45 acres of good flat tillable fields?